Party Time (Imagine by Nicole)

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"You ready to go babe?" Austin asked.

You stepped through my tight, silver dress. "Yeah, can you just zipper this up?" You turned your back towards him.

"Wow." He whispered once he zippered you up and took a look at you.

"Is this too much for a party? I don't want it to look like I'm going to a really fancy restaurant or meeting the president."

"No, no way. It brings out your curves and makes you look sexy..." He paused. "But now that I thought about it, there will be guys all over you. Maybe you should wear a turtle neck and baggy sweats." He smiled.

You wrapped your arms around his stomach and stood on your tippy toes to kiss him. "My eyes are only interested in you. I won't let someone come between that."

"Good. Now let's get going before I rip that dress off you." He winked.

You rolled your eyes at his perverted comment and walked out the door.

"Woah, there's so many people here already." You said as Austin and you walked up to the door of the huge two story house.

"Yes and since there is, we could get lost. Do you have your phone?"

"Um yeah, in my purse." You held it up to his face.

"Great, let's go." He put one arm around your waist and opened the door.

Immediately the smell of alcohol hit your noses when you walked in. There was people dancing every where to the loud music.

"Do you want a drink?" Austin shouted over the loud music.

"Yeah I'll take one." You shouted back.

He pulled you over to the couch. "Before I get your drink, I want you to meet a good friend of mine, his name is Robert."

"Nice to meet you Robert, I'm (Y/N)."

"Hello, I'm obviously Robert." He joked and stuck out his hand for you to shake.

"Well since I introduced you two, do you mind keeping her company Robert? I'm going to use the bathroom real quick and then get her a drink. You want one?"

"Nah." Robert shook his head. "Got one right here." He held up a half empty beer bottle.

"Alright, I'll be back." Austin kissed your cheek and walked away.

"So how's life." You asked.

He smiled. "Out of all the questions, you ask me how's life?"

"Well yeah, it was the only thing that came to mind." You picked at your nails.

"It's pretty good so far. Chilling, killing."

Your eyes went huge. "Killing?! What the!?"

"I'm just kidding, you should of seen your face." He tried mimicking your expression. "Priceless." He laughed.

"Heh-heh. Good one." You sarcastically said.

Time has passed while you were talking to Robert and still no sign of Austin.

"I'm worried. Austin's been gone for half an hour." You said, looking around the room.

"I have no idea where he would be."

"Oh. Well I'm going to check the kitchen real quick." You stood up and made your way around the corner to the kitchen.

"Austin!" You said as you walked into kitchen, seeing Austin leaning against the counter kissing another girl with two other guys by him.

He broke from the kiss and walked towards you. "I can explain." He said, using one of the most overused lines when caught cheating.

"Wow." You ran out the kitchen, towards the front door.

Once you reached the front yard you walked towards the brick wall in front of the yard and sat down, wiping your small tears that fell.

"How could he?" You whispered to yourself.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry." Austin yelled as soon as he saw you sitting on the wall.

"Why?" You walked towards him and shoved his chest.

He tumbled back a few steps. "I-I was getting your drink and I ran into two of my old buddies. We talked for a little then they talked me into taking a few shots with them. I had a about five, and then my bitchy ex girlfriend came. She knew you were my girlfriend, and as soon as she heard you she kissed me, I swear. Took me by surprise."

"I don't know.." You paced back and forth.

"You can ask my friends back there. I would never do that to you." He grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him, tilting up your chin and kissed you.

"You're the most beautiful human to ever walk the Earth. Before you I thought this world was pointless and ugly, but then I saw you one day and my hope came back for this world." He said.

"You take my breath away Austin." You hugged him.

"Yeah, well I guess we're both even because I can't breath correctly when ever I'm around you, or whenever I feel your touch." He hugged you tighter.

"Dance with me?" He asked, sticking out his hand.

"Here? Right now? In the front yard?"

"Yes right here. You can hear the music perfectly from out here, plus it's a slow song."

"Alright." You took his hand and you both started swaying to the rhythm of the song.

"Thank you (Y/N)." He mumbled against the top of your head.

"Why are you thanking me Austin?" You looked up at him.

"For making life worth living." He kissed your forehead and then pushed your head down lightly so that it rested on his chest.


Sorry it took so long to update! I try to think of good, non-cliche stories. Hope you enjoyed! x

-Nicole :D

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