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Since that day in the infirmary Jimin tried to get closer to me, which I still tried hard to ignore. It seemed like he's not the type who gives up easily. Jimin always went up to me in breaks, trying to set up a conversation. His last line was "Are you often here?" It must have been is intention to make me laugh but I just walked past him, without a expression on my face. Today, Jimin was standing in front of my locker, how he knew that it was mine, was probably another question for itself. The real question was what he wanted from me so badly, he didn't knew anything about me, only my name. "Can you please move a bit to the side? I have to get to my books." I asked Jimin. He smiled at me brightly, moved slighlty, watched me get my stuff. "You look pretty." Jimin remarked, leaving immediately afterwards with a huge grin on his face. I was happy he did because I got quite embarrassed. I hid my burning face behind my biology book and folder trying to avoid any eye contact. He isn't supposed to know what kind of power he has over me. Running to the classroom I pumped into someone, Taehyung to be exact. Taehyung was standing in a circle with a bunch of other guys from our class and they were all staring at me now. All the attention I never wanted.
"Woah there, Why the hurry? We still have a few minutes of break left." Taehyung declared, pushing my barriers down to see my face. "Ha. You're that girl, right? Woah, pretty." I didn't know what to say, I knew what he meant. I knew him better than he knew, but I also remembered the last thing Taehyung said to me. "Because she killed him. It's all because of her." I gulped, looking down on my feet. Even though Taehyung was smiling at me with his block smile right now, I felt intimated by his presence. "Sorry, won't happen again." I apologised and walked straight to my seat in the biology classroom. Eunji was already there, "You are such a social butterfly, I can't be more proud of you." Her sarcasm was thick but it was true, I could have handled the situation better. I threw my stuff on the desk, "I love you too." Eunji winked at me while blowing me a kiss, "I know"


The halls were empty, everyone was on their way home or in their clubs. I had no clubs after school because I enjoyed doing nothing. School was exhausting enough, even though I did all of the stuff already. I brought my books back to my locker and what I found inside of it made my heart flutter and hurt so much at the same time.

"Smile more often, you'd look even more beautiful. And please stop ignoring me, it kind of hurts."

- I know that you know who I am, you're not stupid

It was obviously Jimin's handwriting. That guy really knew every girls weaknesses, it was the first time ever that I got such a letter from Jimin. In the other universe he never told me that I was beautiful, Jimin took his feelings with him into his grave. Yoongi was the one who told me after Jimin had his accident. I sighed loudly but got myself together real quick. It was not an option to let this short comment get to me. That's why I also wrote a letter and pushed it inside Jimin's locker.

"Please leave me alone."

I didn't mention my name because I was more than sure that he'll know. Like I knew it was him. I tucked my hair behind my ears and walked out of school, to the next coffee shop.


"Chocolate mocha, please." I ordered, giving the girl behind the counter 3.000 ₩. The coffee shop was mostly empty, there were only two couples inside. I sat down next to the window, watching people passing by. Imaging what their life stories could be, while sipping on my mocha. Making up conversation because I couldn't hear them. All in all I had a good time alone, even though I might looked a little pathetic and lonely to most of the other people. Out of nowhere Jimin walked passed the window, he recognised me immediately and started waving with his cute smile. Jimin cooly ran inside, sitting down next to me. It was a natural reaction of my body to pack my stuff and leave, but Jimin held me wrist keeping me from running away. His smile was gone, he stared at me looking deep in my eyes. "Why do you hate me?" He asked me softly. "I just do." I answered pulling myself off his grip. Walking towards the door I could feel Jimin staring at me. I hated myself more than I was supposed to make him hate me. But he'll never know.

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