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   Chapter 13


   The day finally came. Friday. I was actually really excited about this. I was getting a makeover. I could be seen as someone that wasn't the nerd with glasses. I smiled as I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the door after saying goobye to Michele.

   I wasn't actually going to school of course, we were all going to wait at Alex's house. I didn't want to be late so I began walking towards Alex's house.

   "Hey wait up!" Austin yelled. I gulped and turned around to see him running towards me.

   "Um hi," I mumbled. He smiled as he caught up with me.

   "I have to ask you something," he said once he reached me.

   "Ok ask away," I said hoping he would hurry up.

   "Are you single?" he blurted out. I tried really hard to hide my smile.

   "Um yeah why?" I asked.

   "Oh I just thought that you and Aaron were like a thing," he mumbled, looking at the ground because he was embarassed. I actually laughed a little.

   "Um no, I would never date him," I explained. He bit his lip and nodded, but suddenly his expression became hard again.

   "Don't tell anyone about this," he said and walked off.

   Well that was awkward...

   I shrugged it off and kept walking towards Alex's. After a while I finally reacched his house and hesitantly knocked on the door.

   "ANDREW GET THE DOOR! IT'S AUDREY!" I heard Alex shout.

   "What is she doing here? You're going to be late for school!"


   "Fine, sheesh."

   I heard footsteps walk towards the door and then the door swung open and Andrew stood there with his bookbag.

   "Hey Audrey, um Alex is in his room with Sarah. Tell him I went to school," he said and walked past me.

   I shrugged and walked inside.

   I know I've been in here before, but I still feel like a stranger in here.

   It's just so... big.

   I'm kind of glad I don't live in my house anymore. I felt kind of embarrassed by it. I know it's an average house but compared to this it's like the smallest house on earth.

   "Audrey! Come on!" Alex shouted from the top of the stairs. I snapped out of my thoughts and hurried up stairs into his room where Sarah was lying down on his bed staring at the ceiling. She looked mad, and Alex's face was red. I could tell they were fighting but I didn't mention it. I would have to ask Sarah about it later.

   I sat down at the end of the bed and fiddled with the hem of my sleeve as Alex sat down in his chair. Nobody talked for the first minute.

  I could feel the tension in the air.

   "So what's the plan for the day?" I asked. Alex looked relieved and sent me a thankful look for breaking the tension.

   "Um well first we're dying your hair-," he started.

   "What?" I asked.

   "I said-,"

   "I heard you."

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