Chapter 4

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Grace's POV

"You look like a great family. Single moms are very hot!" A muscular looking guy with brown hair said.

"Thanks but I'm not single." I smiled and showed him my ring.

"Aw dang!" He laughed. "I'm not ether." He showed me his ring and we laughed.

"So who is your lucky wife?" I said pushing Sophie on the swing again.

"Don't have one." He laughed. "I'm actually gay." He said a little nervous to what I would say.

"Don't be nervous!" I smiled. "I've been married to my girlfriend as of 6 years."

He smiled and stuck his hand out to me. "I'm Daniel."

(I had to!!)I gave him my hand

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(I had to!!)
I gave him my hand. "Grace. You seem familiar."

"I know I thought the same about you. Maybe we have a mutual friend." I nodded and we continued talking and playing with the kids when Daniel got a call.

D- Hey babe.

D- Yea I met a girl named Grace I think you guys would be good friends.

D- She's married. To another woman.

D- Okay, love you, bye.

"Well I should get going. Are you and these little people going to get home safe?" He asked.

"Yea I live just down the street. Thanks. Go say bye to Daniel, Alex." Alex went and hugged Daniel.

"No problem. Do you mind if I get your number we should do a double date!"

"Okay sounds good." I wrote down my number and he started jogging down the street.

We walked back to the house and I saw Hannah laying on the couch. "Hey babe." I kissed her head and the kids ran off.

"Hey." She replied still not looking at me.

"What's up? Your not looking at me." I sat next to her and she sat up and moved to the other side.

"Because I'm watching the news Grace." Okay something is definitely wrong.

"Give me your hand." I stuck out my hand and she seemed scared. I gasped and my hand fell. "Oh my god. Your scared of me!"

She took in a sharp breath and looked up at me. She opened her mouth but soon closed it. I scoffed at her and stood up. "If your scared then you will listen to these words." I leaned over the couch and she looked at me. "We have done so much, I've done a lot for you and I'm pretty sure you've done a lot for me. Now after one thing, you make me seem like a killer." I stopped and sighed. "That's why I'm doing this." I went to the table and grabbed my purse. I grabbed my keys and started walking out to the house.

I opened the garage door and Hannah grabbed my arm. "What are you going to do?"

I rolled my eyes and pulled my arm away. I got into the driver side and Hannah got in the passenger side. "Grace."

"Get out." I said quietly.


"Hannah leave." I got louder.

"Grace!" She said angrily.

"Hannah get out of the god damn car!" I finally screamed.

She grit her teeth. Then much calmer she spoke. "I don't want to yell at you Grace."

"Do it! Fucking Scream at me! Tell me how scared you are of me!" I yelled.

"Fine!" She screamed. "Is this what you want me to do? Just scream at you! Well here I am! I'm not fucking scared of you! It's just the fact that you might be a fucking murder! It creeps me out a little bit!" She sighed and got super quiet as if talking to herself. "And turns me on."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What the hell? How?"

"Just the thought of you being protective of me and the kids. Also the thought of loosing you, meaning, you chose me of all people in the world, you chose me." She said.

The entire mood in the car had changed. I looked from the car to Hannah with my mind going back and forth. I freaked out and got out of the car. I started to walk back inside when I heard Hannah. "Grace, I don't know what my thought process is, let's just say that never happened."

I continued walking and saw the lights on but it being totally dark outside. Sophie had fallen asleep on the couch and Alex was playing with a toy. I picked up Sophie and put her in her room. Then walked back out and ran into Alex walking to his room and Hannah behind. He went to his room and I heard them talking. "Okay buddy, mommy and I are going to need some alone time so you need to sleep in here tonight."

"Ok. Goodnight mom." Hannah came out and closed the door.

"They are good for the night." She said.

"Okay cool." I started to walk into the bedroom but Hannah stopped me.

"Get in the car." Her voice was stern and super attractive so I listened.

I sat in the passenger seat and Hannah came out with a jacket. She got in the driver side and we quickly left. The car ride was completely silent and very uncomfortable. Hannah had her hands grabbing the wheel enough to make her knuckles white, and I was sitting there keeping to myself so I wouldn't scare Hannah.

Finally we got to the warehouse where Hannah's parents and Chester were. It was empty and Hannah got out of the car. I followed and we walked in. We looked over to where it all happened and saw Sarah with a gun towards us.

I've started to really love cliff hangers! This one is a little worst though.

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