Chapter 8

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Grace's POV

We all headed into the theatre with Alex smiling like crazy. We chose to watch Finding Dory because we heard it was pretty good. We walked in and got some popcorn while we were about to pay Sophie pointed out some candy.

"Pweeassee?" Hannah laughed and went to pick her up.

"Han don't you are going to hurt yourself." I warned.

She picked her up and smiled at me. "See? I'm fine." We paid got everything and went to the movie.

Hannah still had Sophie in her arms but started to move her around looking very uncomfortable. "Hannah, seriously just put her down. She can walk on her own."

She sighed and put her down. "Grace, when I tell you I'm fine, I'm really fine. Okay?" She snapped. My breath caught in my throat and Hannah noticed. "I'm sorry, you just need to trust me."

"Okay fine, I just want you to be safe but whatever." Without letting Hannah respond I followed Alex through the doors into the theatre.

Hannah and Sophie followed behind and we sat down to watch the previews.

After the movie

The lights came on and I smiled at the ending. It was so adorable! I looked at Hannah and smiled. I leaned closer to her. "I'm sorry babe. I just want you to be okay, just so much has happened to you and I really hate it, I jus-."

Hannah cut me off bringing her lips to mine. I smiled and she pulled away. "It's okay babe. Just trust me okay?" She squeezed my hand.

I nodded and we left the movie theatre. After we got home I sent Hannah straight to bed. She of course didn't want to but once Sophie said she would cuddle with Hannah, she gave in. I sent Alex to do his homework, being matching the color of something with the name of the color, and made some tea for Hannah.

When it was finished I went to our room and Hannah was asleep with Sophie cuddled into her, and the tv playing one of Sophie's shows. I smiled at them and took a quick picture of Sophie to show Hannah later. I left the room and went into Alex's room. He smiled at me once he realized I was there.

"Hey mom." He smiled.

"Hey kiddo, come check this out." He jumped from his desk and followed me to where Hannah and Sophie were.

"Hahaha we should wake em' up!" He went to wake them up when I stopped him.

"I'll put Sophie in bed and you can wake up momma okay?" He smiled and I took Sophie to her room.

When I got back Alex was waiting patiently. "Okay go ahead." I smiled.

He laughed and jumped onto Hannah laughing and telling her to wake up. She did in a few seconds and laughed at him. "Hey Alex dude! What are you doing!" She laughed.

"Mom want me to wake you up." She smiled at him and looked to me in the doorway.

"That's a lie!" I said smirking. He laughed me off and went back to Hannah.

I took him off guard and tackled him pulling him off Hannah right next to me. "Mom! Stahp!" He laughed. I started to tickle him and he laughed more. "Momma help!" Hannah laughed at us and just watched.

"Hey you did this yourself." She laughed.

I sat in Alex only enough for him not to move and looked at Hannah. "You aren't out of this, I'm coming for you as soon as you are better." I smirked.

"Ha yeah okay." She smirked back taunting me. I leaned closer to Hannah and Alex took this as an opportunity to run.

He got out from under me and ran out of our room. "Alex, ether get back here or do your homework!" I laughed.

"Okay come help!" He said. I got up and quickly helped him with his little math.

I looked at the time and saw it was almost dinner. I grabbed my phone and texted our neighbor, Gabby asking if she wanted to come over for dinner.

Gabby is about 7 years younger than me, and 6 years for Hannah. She is only 25, she is a very pretty blonde but Hannah isn't admiring it because she says I'm the only blonde she sees. Then I make the annoying joke that she is also blonde. Anyway, Gabby is a kindergarten teacher at Alex's school and we want to enroll Sophie when she starts, before becoming a teacher she worked for some big record label that got her lots of money to save, and where she met her boyfriend.

His name is Jackson. He is a very fit guy, he has short dirty blonde hair that he spikes in the front, and wears suits most of the time. He owns the record label, and when he met Gabby she quit so they could be together. Jackson is like Alex's older best friend, they play while Gabby, Hannah, and I talk.

When Gabby responded saying she would be over with Jackson and a bottle of wine I slipped my phone back in my pocket and told Alex. "Yes! Is Jacks- Jaksm- Jackson coming?"

"Yeah! Remember to not be too rough though he's not a tough guy like you!" I smiled and left to make dinner for our guests that would be around soon.

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