Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Home. We're finally home and it's 3:05 PM. Time really does fly by fast. We also picked Kevin up on the way home. When he saw the car, Luke got out and they ran towards each other into a great embrace.

It was really cute and just, sweet. My heart was fluttering the whole time. I think a part of me just melted when Luke picked Kevin up and carried the little guy to the car.

Anyway, we were finally home, and the boys were still tired. I got out of the car and helped take the bags out of the car only. Every single bag was heavy, so sometimes I would gasp at the sudden weight put on me. One time I gasped really loud and Calum looked at me with this eyebrows up. I took it as if he was asking me it was really heavy.

After a good minute of unloading, I ran to the door unlocked it without helping the others bring the bags in. I hustled inside and jumped on the couch for no apparent reason; I wasn't even tired.

"Grace!" a voice called. I groaned and rolled my body around the couch so I was face down. "Grace!" it sounded again.

I sighed getting up. "What?" I shouted back. Calum walked through the front door heaving a big suitcase inside. "Get your ass outside and help!" he yelled at me, playfully.

After bringing everything inside, the boys went straight upstairs and knocked out right when they stepped onto Luke's floor, not even bothering to close the door. They were obviously going to ruin their sleep and be up all night.

I went inside Luke's messy room. Luke and Michael took his queen sized bed, the blue covers covering only Michael's body. Calum comfortably took Luke's black bean bag with a long body pillow wrapped around him and Ashton was happily sleeping on the black, furry carpeted ground.

I giggled at the scene. I pretty much looked up at these guys as my older brothers.. with one of them as my legit older brother that I secretly have a crush on. I know, I have a problem.

Taking a picture of the whole room, I tweeted it to my followers. 5SOS update accounts quoted me and fans asked for follows. It's amazing how their fans are so fast, it sometimes scares me.

As I was scrolling through my mentions, I heard a mumble of my name. My head snapped up at the sudden sound and looked at all the boys individually. Everything seemed the same, except Calum's mouth was parted open just a little but more. Drool was slightly escaping his mouth.

"Grace.." I heard the mumble again, but this time I was sure it said my name. It wasn't Calum, because oddly enough, I've been staring at him sleep.

I keep my ears open for my name being called, but all I hear are soft snores. I look around the room seeing if anyone else was in here but us.

From the corner of my eye, I see Luke role onto his back. "Grace," I hear him whisper. So, it was Luke this whole time.

I step over the sleeping Ashton on the floor, almost crushing his hand, which is outstretched near Luke's bed. I must have touched Ashton slightly because he groaned and flipped on his stomach and continued sleeping.

I tiptoe the rest of my way to Luke and kneel down. His lips were parted open like Calum's were, but there wasn't any drool. I just wanted to kiss his nice, firm lips.. what am I saying?

"Grace," Luke this time whimpers. My eyes widen a little and I lean my head closer. "I love you" he says unconsciously.

I blush. I know, Luke. You love me like a sister, but I may love you more than that..

I become even more red and look away from his sleeping face. My eyes travel down Luke's stomach and I stop at something that caught my attention right at where his private area is.


Is that a?... Oh my goodness, was Luke having that kind of dream? About me?!

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Just a quick update.


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