How Do We Fix You Now?

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A.N: So, my first days of school weren't too great. Its been difficult seeing all the jerks that make me hate myself, and I've been fairly depressed. I cant think too well when I'm depressed, but I'll try to put my pain and angst into my writing and hopefully it makes it more enjoyable. But like I said in the last authors note, I will be busier so there will be slower updates. Comment, vote, subscribe!!! If no one comments I don't know if i should continue the story or not.

Josh's POV 

I dropped Porcelain off at her apartment and told her i'd call her later. When I got home I made myself something to eat. I finished eating and I called her but there was no answer. I knew she'd be awake because she slept so long here, so I kept calling her, and texting but got no answer. I was incredibly worried about her. After what happened today, I didn't want her to be alone with her thoughts. Eventually I decided to go to her apartment to see if she was okay.

I knocked on the door and there was no answer, so I turned the knob hoping it was unlocked. To my luck, it was, and I walked in. It was eerily quiet, like in a horror movie before something bad happens. My stomachs tied in knots, and I'm anxious for what awaits me. I slowly check out each room, and eventually come to the bathroom. I open the door and what I see breaks my heart. There lies Porcelain on the floor, a pool of blood underneath her, and a razor clutched in one hand. I quickly dial 911 on my cell and explain what happened. I make sure she has a pulse, and she does, but its very faint. Tears stream down my cheeks as the memories of us play through my head. Porcelain can't leave me. I love her.

The ambulance came and took her away to the hospital, and I followed behind them in my car. When I arrived at the hospital, I rushed up to the front desk asking about Grace but they made me sit in the waiting room until her doctor could come see me. I sat down in one of the uncomfortable chairs to begin my long wait. After what seemed like forever, a man about my fathers age comes up to me. 

"You must be Josh. I'm Dr. Richard, and I'm looking after Grave while she's here."

"Yes, I'm Josh. How is she? Will she be okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Well she lost quite a bit of blood because she hit an artery. We managed to close it and stop the bleeding, but she should be unconscious for a few days. Other than that she should be fine. We have a counsellor coming to talk to her when she wakes up and she may be put on antidepressants." He says with a grim face.

"Can I go see her now?"

"Of course."

"Thank you for everything Doctor." I say, and walk away to the room I was told she's in.

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