Chapter Eight

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        Corey felt like an idiot. Why didn’t he think that Chevy wouldn’t go after Laney? He tried calling her, but he couldn’t reach her.

"Lanes," He muttered, "Where are you?" He called Kin and the boy actually picked up.

"Hello?" Kin asked, but before Corey could say anything, he heard Chevy’s voice.

"You jerk! I’m going to hurt you Laney Penn!" Corey knew she was there.

"Where are you?" He asked. He heard moving chairs.

"The pizza place," Kin answered, "Hurry," Corey hung up and ran toward where they where.


People were watching. Laney hated being the center of attention.

"Can’t we settle this differently?" Laney asked as she looked around, "Where I’m not the center of attention," Chevy glared at her.

"No!" She growled, "We’re going to get this over with Penn!" Lanely glared at her.

"Fine then," She said, hoping something would stop this about to be fight. As soon as Chevy took one step, a familiar voice called out.

"Stop right there Chevy!" Laney looked toward the doorway, her heart racing as Corey walked in. Chevy looked mad at him as well, "If you attack Lanes, anyone here can call the cops on you," She glared at him.

"Whatever!" She growled before leaving, pushing Corey a bit as she did.

"There’ s nothing to see here!" Corey said, getting everyone to return to what they were doing. Laney smiled as Corey came up to her, "I’m sorry Lanes," She smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"I’m so glad you’ve come to your senses!" He had a shocked look on his face from the sudden hug, but then smiled and hugged her back. He was so glad that this was all over. The two eventually joined Kin and Kim at their table. Today had been one of the best days of Laney’s life. Corey was happy that he still had the band. As the four enjoyed their meal, Corey hesitantly slipped his hand into Laney’s. She gave him a confused look, but he smiled back at her. Laney’s heart was racing as she smiled back and squeezed his hand.

"So Kin," Corey started, "How long have you and Kim been a thing?" Both of their faces went red.

"I would have told you, but-," 

"Don’t worry about it," Corey said before the other boy could finish his sentence. Kin was surprised at Corey’s reaction, "I’m okay with it," Life was going to be good again, Laney could tell. She smiled at Corey once more before grabbing one of the last pieces of pizza that sat on the tray.


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