Time to kill some monsters, is that a demigod?

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Skye POV

It wasn't long before we reached the dragons' hideout, my previous home. Nostalgia hit me like a train as we crouched into the shadows of the throne room, the familiar musky smell of dust and metal hitting my nose as I breathed in to calm my nerves.

 As soon as we'd landed, there was a complete change in the aura surrounding the man beside me. Whoever it was standing here right now was definitely not the man standing on the mountain; his face was cold as ice, sea-green eyes hard like emeralds, a fist clenched in anger while the other harshly gripped my hand, flooding my veins with frozen fear. Waves and waves of hostility flew from every crevice on his body and I shivered as goosebumps made their way through my skin. 

He was...terrifying. 

This must be Glacé again, I thought to myself as I slowly and subtly tried to avoid shifting into a defensive stance. 

As if he felt my body shift, his eyes met mine and a streak of lightning went through me, rattling me to my core. The sheer power flowing through our intertwined hands would have been enough to pulverize me onto the spot if Glacé wanted it to, and his eyes seemed to remind me of that fact as he smirked, the two jade stones cutting into my very soul. 

Know your place, they seemed to say, as they continued to dissect every thought I ever had, a sudden overwhelming desire to submit wrapping around me like a warm blanket.  My body relaxed and my hands went slack against his, knees slowly buckling, and eyes closing slowly. 


Let go. 


With sudden determination, I snapped myself back into reality, and slammed his hand against the wall, letting waves of my own power flow through our conjoined hand, watching his eyes widen in amusement and surprise. 

Two can play this game

Then, as quick as it started, he retracted, letting go of me, his power tampered and hidden again, leaving the air prickling with electricity. Without another word, the cocky bastard smirked and walked straight into the throne room, stalking headfirst into danger. 

Glacé POV. 

I knew that Percy would not approve of our little display of power just outside of danger's doors, but I couldn't help it. How can we know that she was to be trusted? Was she strong enough to fight with us? Plus, it was very amusing watching her freeze in fear and submit to my little display. 

(Ugh. Percy really hated that.) 

Anyway, shaking myself out of Percy's consistent lecture, I smirked at the furious girl next to me before grabbing her hand and pulling her into the throne room. 


Walking into the throne,  Glacé immediately noted the dead silence. It was never this quiet. They were always fighting about something or another, they can't be this quiet. 

Then, he felt it. 

Waves and waves of pulsating power flooded through the room, making the hairs on Glacé's arms stand up. Something is here. No, someone. Pulling Skye behind one of the pillars, he put his fingers over his lips in a motion for silence and watched the back of the throne room as the sound of sharp footsteps echoed on the marble floor. 

"Just what happened here?" whispered Skye, distracting him, as she stared directly at the corner to their right. The marble fountains were smashed to broken bits leaving bits and pieces of the carved faeries spewed everywhere, the dragon dust that usually illuminated the room staining the floor and broken marble in dark splotches. The different Renaissance paintings on the walls were slashed with what appeared to be claw marks, and in a strange way, the very colors on those painted portraits seemed to be oozing down the walls leaving the canvas blank and lifeless.  

It was only when Glacé moved his attention to the broken glass of the shattered centerpieces did he notice. The floorboards were black.  The Aurelia. It was gone. Reaching down, he swiped his fingers across the floor, closed his eyes, and said a silent prayer. Please, please, anything. Yet, none of the aurae appeared. 

A streak of dread threaded its way into Percy's heart as Glacé and Skye exchanged silent glances.  If the Aurae are gone, then what happened t-


Snapped out of that dreaded thought, both Skye and Glacé stood back to back, daggers drawn in alarm. 

"You idiot, that was too loud! It was enough to wake up the dead, damn it. They must have gotten away."

"I am telling you, there is no one here man."

"Shut up, I felt something. Bring that girl with you and come," said the gruff, angry voice of an old man. 

"Let me go!  Ah." Yelled out a very familiar pained, struggling female voice.

"Shut it, you bitch. It was enough that we don't get to kill you, so don't think that we actually give two flying craps about what happens to you. Make one more move and we'll kill your other friends."

Taking in her surroundings, Skye quickly marked a few exits and advantage points. The beings with them were clearly powerful and with the prescence of a potential hostage, they might need to run out. 

Glacé, however, had different plans. Without even saying anything, he walked out from behind the pillar, a cocky grin on his face. 

"Glacé, come back this instant," Skye whispered with no avail as the maniac continued to stroll causally into sight of the mysterious villains. 

Ripped pages and broken wood covered every inch of the floor around him, and as he waded deeper into the large room,  a red liquid was added to the mixture. Shredded curtains hung barely covering open smashed windows, letting in the occasional ray of sunshine in an otherwise dark lit room. As he breathed in, a musky yet sharp smell filled his nostrils, leaving a metallic taste in his mouth. Blood. 

 Finally getting to the last fourth of the room, he was greeted by pools and pools of crimson liquid covered the walls and debris, even spreading in various marks, some depicting handprints, on the thrones. He knew that if he took a couple more steps he'd be in direct sight of the intruders who lingered by the giant golden door, arguing amongst themselves. 

"You go south, I'll go north, hurry."

"What about the girl? I can't just keep holding her with me!" Whined a high-pitched voice. 

"I swear to Kronos, why the hell do I have to get you as a partner? Palides uses your empy brain and tie her up. Quickly now!" yelled the old man, voice straining. 

Hiding between another pillar, Glacé peeked at the two idiots, trying to determine their origin, when suddenly, the world tilted and went black. 

What do you think??? Please please please comment and vote!! Spread this!! BTW I don't know if this is good enough to keep writing. What do you think? 

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