Percy Gets his Ass Kicked and handed to him (Intro-3)

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As soon as we began walking into the hallway, however, I head a booming voice yell,

"Perseus Jackson, I challenge you to a wrestling match. To. The. DEATH." 



Okay, now I know what you're thinking, this is the time that I get into a really cool fight, win, and continue to be the hero that you all know and love. Unfortunately this time, I got my ass handed to me, to say the least. And let me tell you, it's not what you're expecting either. 

I was turning around, ready to see a giant monster or dragon or anything giant really, but I didn't see anything at all. 

"Who are you? Show yourself," I said, trying to act cool in front of the badass man next to me. 

"I'm here dimwit," a voice squeaked, and I continued to look around in confusion until suddenly, pain exploded in my arm, and I tripped backward into a defensive position. 

I still couldn't find the source of the attack so I pulled out riptide, preparing to fight whoever it was when someone lept up from behind me, striking with a dagger. 

I parried the strike, but the attacker came in with a second jab aimed at my left arm and when I lunged to defend myself the attacker dropped to the ground and instead struck at my other shin, but I barely jumped out of the way. 

The attacker had to be small and fast because they evaded all my steps towards them with incredible speed and agility slipping between my legs, but then just when I got distracted by the flash of pink from the attacker's weapon, the small cloaked figure launched itself with my knee and over my head, then dropped to the floor, and as they slid under my leg, I felt pain implode in my leg and I fell on my backside, hard

I yelped and glanced at my leg, only to see a dagger impaled in it, golden ichor flowing out of it.

"Look! It's an idiot," said the same voice again, and I looked around only to face forward and find a face right infront of mine. 

I skid backward in surprise and it only got worse once I saw my attacker.  It was a kid, a really short girl up to my waist, to be precise, with long brown hair, braided in 2 pigtails. She had big chocolate brown that sparkled in the lighting, pale skin, a button nose,  fluffy pink cheeks, and was dressed in a fluttering white dress and matching white flats.   

 "Wtf, Rose are you out of your mind?!" said another voice from the balcony.  The so-called Rose looked up in the direction of the voice and replied, "Hehe, look at the savior of the world falling straight on his ass," and giggled. 

She freaking giggled at my misery.

 Meanwhile, Glacé laughed his ass off from the corner that he was sulking in, and practically begged me to switch and talk to her, but I refused, pushing back barely. Even though she stabbed me, I didn't want him to scare her with bloodthirsty Glacé even though something told me, they'd get along really well and that very thought made me shiver. 

Skipping up to my place on the floor, Rose tilted her head at me innocently, then stuck her hand on her hip, smirked, and said in a high pitched, childish voice, "I'm Rosé, the new savior of the universe, the dragon of teddy bears and cherry blossoms, nice to meet you! You've just been beaten up by a midget, therefore, you owe me a favor. No take backsies," and skipping in a circle around me while she inspected me very carefully. 

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