Chapter 3 - The awakening

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I was slowly opening my eyes a bit as I heard someone saying "Piers, what happened here? Is she alive?""(y/n), please, you can't die! Wake up!" As my eyes were half open, I saw a face of a really nice guy. It was Piers. He was carrying me on his arms away from the danger zone. My head laid on his shoulder. He seemed to be exhausted. I could see blood running down his neck. But then, I passed out again...

When I got my full convictions back, I was standing right on a battlefield. There were dead bodies all around me, all of them were marked with the B.S.A.A. emblems. Where am I? What kind of mission is this and... What happened?

I was really confused. I heard bombs exploding on the ground. I was in shock, I had no idea what to do neither I know what kind of mission this was. Since I saw so many corpses, all from my comrades, I was worried that some of those could be my team, especially Piers and Chris. I wanted to make sure and was looking through all those dead bodies. I couldn't recognize any of them as Chris or Piers, so they must be alive.

But where are they? Suddenly I heard gun fire. Rapidly I went to the spot where the firing was coming from. And there they were. Chris and Piers were defending their positions. I ran right to them and tried to help. "(y/n), you're alive? We thought you were dead?" Piers was totally surprised. "Why should I be dead? There is no reason for me to die now!"
"Because a J'avo cut you open your chest and stomach with a machete and your innards are still hanging out. Look!"
Piers was pointing with his finger at me. I looked down and... I swallowed strongly! I could see my intestine, my stomach, my liver hanging out. God, how am I still able to walk? Chris and Piers were staring at me. What was going on here? I looked back at those men, as this creature with its chainsaw hand was standing right behind them. "Piers, Chris, watch out, behind y...!" it was too late, the monster was cutting them into pieces. No! Piers, Chris! What.... Why... What the hell is going on here?

I sank down on my knees, unable to move any muscles and started to cry. The creature was charging its chainsaw again and also ripped me apart. It was strange, somehow I was familiar with this feeling, those pains. Did I land up in hell?


Suddenly I woke up in fright in a white room, totally out of breath, sweated and tears running down my cheeks. As I shocked up, there went a heavy pain through my chest and I yelled out. Someone was sitting right next to my bed and also startled up. "What's wrong? What happened?" It was Piers. He came totally shocked to me. "(y/n) what's wrong? Do you have hea pains?" he was asking me.

I was still trying to realize what happened. 'Why am I here? Why do I have those pains?' I laid my hand on my painful chest and was moaning. The pain was quite strong. "Stop moving so much! The doctor said you may not move!" Piers pulled me back on my white and softly bed.

"Why? What happened? Why am I here?" I was questioning. "You don't remember anything? I don't blame you. You got really bad injured. Well, you still are, so that's why you shouldn't move." He was explaining. "You were passed out for about 6 days now." "What? 6 days? No wonder I'm hungry."
Piers started to laugh. "Haha, it seems you haven't lost your humor. Anyway, back to business. We were on a mission in Alaska and..." "Yeah, I can remember that, and that we've found this creature with its chainsaw like arm. It got me, right? You were also passed out. What happened?" I was interrupting Piers.

Then he answered. "Yeah, I just got my awareness back when this thing got you pretty bad. It cut off your chest, your collarbone and some of your upper rips are apart. But the doctor assembled them temporarily. You really had luck. Only 1 inch deeper and it would have hit your heart and you were dead. You've lost a lot of blood and you needed a blood transfusion. The cut goes from your left collarbone to your lower part of your stomach."
"Well, that explains the pain. How about the others? Are they alright? Are ... you alright?" I was asking carefully.
"Everyone is alright, don't worry. You were the only one who got injured." "But, you? You were injured too? I saw you bleeding?" I pointed out to Piers. "What, me? You must have been hallucinating. I'm fine. Well then, I'll go and report to our captain that you are awake."
Piers slowly went to the door and opened it carefully with both hands. He was a little shaky. 'I don't think so that he is alright.'
I lifted up my bedsheet to take a look on my injury. There was a huge bandage all over my upper body. It was a little bit bloody, maybe the bandage needed to be changed. It was hurting really bad and I still felt a little bit dizzy.

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