Chapter 6.2: An adventurous night

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Together with Piers we walked down the streets to his dorm. It was already dark and there was a cold wind blowing. I began to shiver. As Piers noticed my freezing, he took off his jacket and laid it on my shoulders and took me in his arms.
"Here, so you won't freeze your ass off until we arrive."
"Thank you, Piers."

We arrived now at his dorm. Piers went to his room to get me some changing clothes.
"Here, you can put these on while your dress is in the washing machine." He held a pair of shorts and a white tank top against me and turned around, so I could take off my dress and pull over thr fresh clothes.

"I... I'm done" I said in an uncertain voice.
"Hmm, is something wrong?" Was Piers asking me.
"No, not at all. It's just... It feels a little bit strange wearing a white tank top without a bra and shorts with... no underwear. It was also wet because of that beer." My cheeks went red, I was really embarrassed right now.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I will hurry." Piers ran over to the washing machine and put my dress and underwear in it. Now we had to wait until it was done.
Piers was standing behind me while I was looking through his room. He couldn't resist staring at me, because of the clothes I was wearing and knowing I didn't wear any underwear.

The shorts were barely covering my butt and the top was a bit too big, as soon as I would bend over, everything underneath the top would be visible. Because I wasn't wearing any underwear I could feel Piers' boxers directly on my skin. Somehow it felt exciting.
Piers was coming closer to me and put his arms around my waist and laid his hands on my belly. He was caressing my neck and stroking my stomach.

"You should know you look really cute in those clothes." He was whispering.

"I... I do?" I couldn't resist moaning when his hands were slowly sliding underneath the top and upwards to my breasts. While he was massaging my breasts very gently, I moaned now even louder. It's like back then in the trainings room, but now even more intense.

Piers was still softly kissing my neck, and then he turned me around, so he was able to see my face. He pushed me against the nearest wall. While he put my arm wrists together and tied them over my head he began to kiss my lips very lustful. Piers placed one leg between mine and were stroking my butt with his free hand. I began to shiver and was slowly losing my strength, but then I freed my arms from his grip and laid them around his neck and kissed him back. Our cheeks were red and our face impression full of lust.

Piers lifted me up and I embraced my legs around his hips. Still wildly kissing he was taking me to his bedroom. He was setting me gently on his bed. As soon as Piers laid me on his bed, he was opening the buttons of his shirt so he was able to take it off including his undershirt.

Now I saw his muscular chest. I laid my hands on his chest and glided slowly downwards to his stomach. He continued now with kissing my neck and pulling up my tank top. He sat me up so he was able to take it off my body.

Now I was laying there with no shirt. Since this was the first time I was showing him my naked upper body. Now he was also able to see the big scar on my chest. He was looking at it and slid carefully with his hand over it.

„It... It's disgusting, isn't it?" I asked him shyly.

„No, not at all! I love it! And you wanna know why?"


„Because it reminds me that you sacrificed your life to save mine. If it wasn't you, I wouldn't have been here. Thank you, sweetheart!" He sank his head down to the scar, so he was able to kiss it softly.

„Piers..." I sighed. I was feeling his warm breath on my stomach.

Piers adjusted his legs between mines, so he was able to lean down further. He started again with a very intense kiss. Slowly I began to pant and my body was getting hotter and hotter. Now Piers opened the zipper of his pants, so he could take them off. After he threw his trousers away he was about to do the same to my shorts.

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