Chapter 4: Final Checkup

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I opened my eyes, very slowly and I felt powerless. Still very sleepy I tried to realize what happened, as I recognize someone's head lying on my bed. He was sleeping very peaceful, his head laid in his crossed arms. It was Piers. ‚What happened? Are Piers and me.... What is real and what was a dream? Am I still dreaming? '
The handsome man began to move and seemed to wake up. He laid first eyes on me and noticed that I was awake. He stood up straightaway and was taking my hand.
„(y/n), you're finally awake!" he said relived. „Why finally? How long was I out?" I asked him with a weak voice.

„You were out for about more than 4 weeks" Piers sank his head „the doctor meant it would have been better for you to stay in coma until your injury healed up. He put up the anesthesia yesterday. He thought it should be okay now." „What happened anyway? I was with you and I felt fine, you wanted me to show where I can get something to drink and from there I have no memory." I said horrified.
„I just wanted to lead us out of my room, and as I turned my head you were just about to collapse. Fortunately I was able to catch you on time, if you had hit the ground, your broken rips could have been stabbed your heart and you were dead. But when you were in my arms, your bandage was covering with blood. Somehow your wound was bursted." Was Piers explaining.

„So, you have saved my life again?" I putted my hand on Piers. „Thank you, Piers." I took his hand and gave a softly kiss on its back.
„You don't need to thank me. You are my Girlfriend, I would save you anytime and with my own life!" Piers was stroking my head and was giving a smooth kiss on my forehead.
„I know, you've already proved that more than once." I was appreciating. „I also would do the same to you!" „I know sweetheart." Piers was smiling at me and was stroking my head.
„Well, since you are awake, I should get the doctor, so he can do the final check up on you." Piers stood up and gave me a little goodbye kiss on my left cheek. „Ok, see you soon!" Piers was leaving my room.

After the checkup Piers came in again. „"Aaaand? What did the doctor say?" Piers was waiting for some good news.
„The doctor said that everything as healed nicely. But he told me not to attend missions for about another week. Just to make sure. But I can walk around" I was reporting to Piers.

Suddenly Piers had a wide smile on his face. „Finally some good news! And I have also some good news. Well, the captain is in knowledge about us two, and he gave me one week off, so I will be able to care for you."
„What? That's great!" I said surprised. Piers was taking me gently in his arms. I laid my arms around his neck and gave him a smooth kiss on his soft lips.
„So, what would you like to do for our first date? " was Piers asking me.
„Hmm, I don't know. But as long as I'm with you I'm happy. " I was answering. „Hmm, did the doctor say something when you can be discharged?" „The doctor meant he would like me to stay for one more night, and when everything's alright I can leave tomorrow. " I explained to Piers.
„Great, I'll prepare something for tomorrow then!" said Piers happy. „Ok, I'll get going, will be back soon." Piers gave me a smooth kiss and left my room.

After a while, someone was knocking on my door. „Come in!" I answered. A big man was entering my room, full geared and with a big smile. It was Chris. „I just came back from a mission as I heard the good news!" Chris was coming to me and took me in his arms. „I'm so happy that you are finally ok." „Yeah, same to me, I'm tired of all those sleeping. But the doctor told me not to attend any missions for about 1 week." I was reporting to Chris.
„I already know, the doctor already explained that. You will also be in need of some training, since you haven't moved the last weeks, your muscles will be in need of a rebuild up." „Yeah, I really need that, I'm still a bit shaky on my feet." I confirmed to Chris.
„I also told Piers to take over this." Was Chris meaning. „Piers? Not you?" I asked him surprised.
„Yeah, Piers is my second-in-command you know, and I will have a lot to do. And, I also know about you and Piers." „He told you?" I was curious.
„No, it was obvious. How he was caring about you when you were in coma. He was here all day long waiting for you to wake up. I'm old, but not blind, you know." Was Chris smirking "I'm glad for you two." Chris gave me one kiss on my right cheek and then one the left. „But don't let you two distract from the future mission!" „No, I won't. I'll promise!" I said in a motivated voice.
"Good to hear. Well then, recover well!" Chris was winking and then he left my room.

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