Chapter 1:Introduction

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"But I don't want to go skating again, I don't like it I'll just see Ben and Darcy skating together " Nadia whined. Ben has been Nadia's crush for awhile now. But at the moment he has a "thing" with Nadia's rival Darcy. "Come on there are so many guys that go you can meet someone else" Emilia (nadias best friend) tells Nadia. Nadia cannot skate at all, she has tried and tried but can't get it right. Her crush for Ben all started when he held her hand and skated with her so she doesn't fall one night. Ice skating is there schools hangout, every Friday there is a DJ there and everyone goes. Emilia ends up convincing Nadia to go. She instantly texts Ben to see if he's going. Like always, he is going. Nadia all the sudden can't wait to go even though she knows he's with Darcy. Let's back track and let me tell you what's up between Nadia and Darcy. At the beginning of the year these two guys Alex and Reid(twins) come into their school. Girls go crazy and Nadia being one of those girls she instantly likes Reid. Him being extremely popular, doesn't make it very easy for Nadia to talk to him. She texts him sometimes but that's it. Then,  she finds out Darcy kissed Reid TWICE!! Not once but twice. Nadia being head over heels for him is heartbroken and texts Reid to try to get him to like her. Just when she thinks it works..Darcy kisses him again. It's war at this point. But Nadia finally gets over Reid and starts liking Ben. And of course Darcy starts dating him. You can see what's happening here I assume.

                 Next night at skating

     "Ugh I'm always so nervous walking into this place" Nadia says. "You will be fine just follow behind me until we get it" Emilia reassures Nadia. As soon as the girls get in instantly nadias eyes are drawn to Ben and Darcy skating together. Nadia knew this was gonna happen but it still hurt, a lot. As you all know liking someone who doesn't like you back isn't the most enjoyable thing ever. Nadia starts to tear up a little and waits for Emilia to put her skates on. This cute, tall, brunette guy walks past Nadia. He sees she's sad and dabs to make her laugh. It works obviously he's adorable. He goes away but not out of nadias mind. Later on this random guy comes up to nadia while yelling at a balloon. He's funny. He isn't the cutest, he has blonde hair very tall but he overall isn't her type. Nadia asks for his name and its Ethan. Him,Nadia and Emily talk all night. The kids hilarious. Suddenly, the cute guy that dabbed walks up to u guys and says "Ethan, you have got to see this come here". Ethan says"Tyler I'm busy right now" then in an instant Tyler's eyes meet up with nadias. It was like love at first sight.


For the record most chapters will be longer then this.Heyy guyssss its me nikki the author of this book. At the end of each chapter I'll have one of these where I give a little side note and put commonly asked questions and there answer. I hope you are enjoying this if you are leave it a comment!❤️
Frequently asked questions and their answer:
How old are you? I am 13 years old almost 14
Did all this really happen to you? Yes It did, my story's are real life experiences made into a fictional story with fictional characters.
What is your real name? Nikki :)
Can I be in one of your stories? Sure:) I'm always looking for names to use in replacement of the real like people in my stories.

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