Chap 1. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, R.I.P litle egg.

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I woke up panting. "It's just a dream, it's just a dream." I told myself over and over, trying to ignore the sharp pain in my chest. It was still in the middle of the night and my alarm clock shone with bright green digital numbers: 04:34. I've had the same dream for all my life. It's always the same, there is a guy with green clothes and I'm in someone else's body getting stabbed. I always wake up with a sharp pain in my chest and a feeling of déjà vu after it . The doctors says that the déjà vu only comes from dreaming the dream before and that I'm probably hitting my self in the chest as I sleep. They give me pills and try to convince me that it's just a dream. Still, I know my self that the pain I feel every morning is not possible for me to have caused by hitting myself in the chest. First of, I'm not that strong. And secondly, I know what it feels like getting hit in the chest and it's not like this.

I turned on the small bedside lamp which shone with a eerie and cold white light. It made my room a bit brighter but the royal purple wallpapers still did a good job sucking up the light. I laid still in my bed. I was too tired to go up and do something and my chest hurt too much to fall asleep again. I looked up at my ceiling which was covered in self-luminous stars from my childhood that no one ever had bothered taking down. I just laid in my bed and did nothing. I were going to be tired tomorrow, like always.

I didn't manage to fall asleep again and as my alarm clock rang I already had my hand on it counting the seconds to press it the exact same second it turned on. I could finally go up, but still I just wanted to go to sleep. I got out of bed, took on my clothes and jumped over the many book that laid scattered all over my wooden floor. I got out of my room and down to the kitchen fully made out of black marble. I'm always wondering who choose to have everything in our house in such dark colors.

My mom stood in the kitchen and made breakfast even tough she truly were a terrible cook. One time she almost burned down the house trying to fry bread in the frying pan without any cooking fat at all and one time she turned an egg into dust. "I'll take if from here mom..." I said and grabbed the handle on the frying pan. "Well morning to you too U. I'm having a fine morning thank you for asking." She said mockingly and let go of the frying pan, going to the sofa in the living room. "Good morning mom!" I screamed after her and she just waved a "whatever" wave and turned on the tv.

My mom calls me U and my friends call my Rich, my full name is Ulrich. 

Short chapter I know but thx for reading.
// Mellwie

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