Chap. 2 School! Yay?

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I was thinking about taking a day off from school but I was already so far behind so that I couldn't spare a day to sleep. I ended up twenty minutes late to school because I had fallen asleep on the bus and missed my stop. Luckily the teachers didn't care, they were just happy that I had gotten to school at all. They let me have break instead of being on the last twenty minutes of my ongoing math lesson so what I did was just stare up the roof and try to not fall asleep. The next lesson was history, the most boring subject in school according to me. If I had manage to fall asleep on the bus the history lesson would be like trying to stay awake in my own bed.

The history lesson started. It had been over a month since I had been in class but what I noticed first was that it was a new teacher. She was a big upgrade from our old sixty-year old teacher we had had before. She had no beard, no wrinkles and no large belly hanging outside her pants. She was simply a young woman with brown shoulder-height hair, brown eyes and a typical teacher clothing style. No one really noticed that I hadn't been in class for over a month except one of my friends who was in the same class and gave me a fist bump.

"Ulrich" suddenly the teacher called out and all the eyes of every person in class looked at me. Suddenly they had all noticed that I hadn't been in class for a month and a great mumble spread trough the classroom. 

"Tell me, who was the first emperor of china?" The class went quiet waiting for my answer. 

"Bruce Lee?" I said and almost everyone burst out laughing. I of course knew it wasn't the right answer but how boring wouldn't it be if I just answered "I don't know". The teacher put down her textbook and sighted still I could see she were trying not to smile. 

"The first emperor of china was Qin Shi Huang or also known as Ying Zheng. We had a test on this just last week." The class went quiet again leaving me to explain that I had been absent. 

"I was... Umm... Sick" I said sounding really guilty but in reality it was almost the truth. She only sighted again and then turned page and started reading. The class returned to normal again and it was like what just had happened never had happened.

After class we had a long break so me and my friends hooked up and went to our normal little hangout in an old abandoned school bus that someone had dumped near a river. The river floats alongside our school and trough the whole city. Even tough I hadn't seen them in nearly a month, some had come to my place and sometimes I had gone with them to the city, nothing had really changed with my friends. Walter had still the same blond, big and unbrushed "mane" of his and he still was the one who sat and played guitar all day long. Ronja with her beautiful long brown hair and brown eyes still looked out the window the whole time and was unsocial. And finally Lucas with his raven black hair neatly combed back with strongly smelling hair gel, reading a book. We were a really odd friend circle but we got along just fine. We were pretty much the ones that didn't really fit anywhere and just decided to make a group.

"Good to have you back Rich!" Walter sang out while playing some accords on his guitar. Ronja just waved and smiled and Lucas had already greeted me before in the classroom so he just sat and continued to read his book. 

"Greetings" I yawned and immediately laid down on an old bus seat. As soon as I laid down my eyes shut close and I just wanted to sleep but I knew that of I did the nightmare would come back. 

"You have been gone for a month but haven't still slept at all." I almost fell of the bus seat as I heard Ronja's voice. She rarely speaks but when she does it's either bad news, something really smart that no one understands, a question or a complicated joke no one gets. I didn't really know what category this saying was in, perhaps a question? Or a joke? 

"Still the nightmare..." I whispered and turned around trying to sleep. 

"Don't you take your medication?" Walter sang out to me. 

"It doesn't help him, the nightmare still wakes him up." Lucas answered in my stead as he saw that I was trying to sleep. 

"Are you serious? Even with those really strong sleeping pills? I slept trough a house party once with those!" Walter continues to sing out to the same melody. 

"Yeah even with those and strong gases at hospitals too" 

I could feel my consciousness slowly drifting away and the last thing I could hear was Walter putting down his guitar and saying "Man that's wicked." 

Then I fell asleep.

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