Chap 3. *Yawn*

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As I woke up everyone had left except Lucas who was still sitting there reading his book. He was on the last page already... When I had entered the bus he had been almost at the first, how long had I slept? "Don't worry, I skipped a couple of pages, I have already read this book before. It's only been five minutes since the others left." He said as if he had read my mind. "We were to leave to class but when we saw you sleeping we couldn't just wake you up and neither could we leave you alone. So we did rock paper scissors and I stayed." I stood up on the metal floor of the bus. "Shall we go to class then?" I said and stretched. Still tired.

On our way back I glanced over at Lucas book. "What are you reading?" I asked. He had said that he had already read it before so now I got curious to what book could have gotten his interest. "It's called Lullaby." He showed me the front that was of beautiful dark purple leather with the title Lullaby in golden handwritten letters. "The book is about an author who writes children tales.  The author is so into his stories so that he forgets about reality and lives happily amongst his stories. Then one day his sister leaps of a cliff because and he begins to struggling with reality...." It got uncomfortable quiet after he finished and I just walked silent beside him. It sounded like a really horrible and boring story. Had he really read it so many times that he could easily jump to the end like that? I looked a bit concerned at Lucas who just looked away at the school entrance.

In the school we split up. I had art class and he had biology. I like art class. The teacher, Mr Harris, is a really nice old man with a lot of experience and can make anyone feel like the best painter in the world. Even if you're just drawing doodles he will come up to you and call it a masterpiece. Perhaps someone will think that he is  really bad at art because of that he says doodle is a masterpiece, but that's not it. He is just really into everything.

As I entered the art class it was uncomfortable quiet. Mr Harris who I have always remembered as a cheerful and straightforward person was no more. The Mr Harris I knew was gone and in his chair sat a new Mr Harris. He just glared at me as I got in. I nodded slightly at the two others already in the room. They both just looked up quickly to see who I was and then quickly returned to staring at their desks. The desks I noticed were stainless and the room smelled weirdly of chemicals. The Mr Harris I once had known would never had allowed this. He had always liked paint and the smell it gave off. He had never even let us wipe of our desks if we spilled something.

As art class ended everyone, including me, sighted with relief and stretched our soar bodies. Mr Harris had made us sit and paint water paint landscapes and we had not been allowed to move, speak or even look up from the painting for more than 10 seconds.

"What's up with Mr. Harris? I asked the others as we met up at lunch again.
Walter scratched his neck and looked kind of guilty. "Well, I don't know if I should say..." 
"His dog died and then he accidentally overheard a student make a joke about it." Lucas who had come up behind me answered. "I should have warned you, sorry."
"Wow, thats's sad..."
He seated himself and started sipping on the soup he had bought. I had taken nothing with me to school so I all my food tickets were at home. Luckily for me my friends helped me an bought some food for me.

After lunch I got permission to go home with the promise that I was going to try working from home. As I were riding the bus home I accidentally fell asleep and just like that the nightmare was back again. I save an unknown boy then he kills me. As i wake up from the pain in my chest. I have science long passed my station and I quickly jump of at the next stop. I am completely alone at the small bus stop in the middle of a forest. Just how far does that bus go before it returns? The sky had turned dark and it looked like it would start raining at any moment. I walked over the street to the bus stop on the other side. According to the timetable the next bus isn't to be here until another half hour. I sighed and sat down in the tall grass surrounding the bus stop. After about five minutes another person joined me at the bus stop and sat down in the grass beside me.
"Are you enjoying the result?" The person suddenly asked and I was puzzled about what he meant. Were he perhaps talking on a phone? "Well?" He asked and turned to face me. As soon I met his eyes I knew who he was, the boy from my dream.

Sorry for such a late update (if there even is someone interested that is...). It was kinda hard writing the last bit because recently I have only been writing in present tense for other stories so sorry if something is wrong.
Thank you for reading! // Mellwie

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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