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Rodger was at the city's main barracks, carrying out a troops and equipment inspection for the next day's mission. He had the opportunity to meet the soldiers who had been assigned by the Baron. Five of them had previous combat experience, they had fought recently against the invading Mongols, and they still wore the physical and emotional scars of that terrible time. The three remaining were as green as the forest; you could see the uncertainty on their faces, and fear was visible in their eyes.

Clement did his best to get to know the soldiers; he told them that the blessing bestowed by the Bishop a few minutes ago, would give them eternal life; and that whatever happens, they would be fulfilling their sacred duty of protecting the Kingdom.

It was dark when the knight left the barracks towards his home. The moon was almost at its peak, providing its scarce lighting. No soul was present in the streets of Eger, this placed Rodger in a defensive mind set and aware of his surroundings, he knew that within the city it was relatively safe, but occasionally an incident occurred with evil-doers; so he preferred to be always prepared, with his trusty sword and bow at his side.

His home was near, he could see the ceiling from his current position. A combination of feelings stirred in his heart; a mixture of uncertainty by the mission, and excitement of being with his wife.

As he neared his house, a nasty cold penetrated the knight's clothes. This cold came accompanied by a gust of wind that raised dust and debris in its path. He had to use his hands to protect his eyes from the particles in the air.

While covering his face, he raised his head for a moment and observed an animal perched on his house's roof. It was difficult to distinguish its form due to the distance and darkness; so he quickened his pace to deal with the creature. He closed the distance enough to realize that the animal was an owl of black plumage. The bird saw the knight directly in the eyes; they were red and fearful. Rodger quickly took his bow and nocked an arrow, when he aimed at the creature, it was too late; the owl was already gone. He ran that last stretch to reach his home.

"Dorottya, are you well? Did the animal harm you?" asked Rodger panting, entering his house while closing the door quickly.

His wife, of beautiful dark green eyes, light brown hair and fair complexion, went immediately to meet him. "What's wrong Rodger? Which animal are you talking about?" asked Dorottya while affectionately hugging her husband.

Realizing that everything was in order, he began to slow his breathing. "Nothing my love, everything is fine" replied calmly.

His wife served him dinner and they went to eat. Rodger took the opportunity to explain the task that the Baron had assigned to him. Her eyes filled with sadness, knowing that her husband was going to face a risk, but he promised that he'll come back safe and sound, as he always had done. He managed to console her and went to sleep. Tomorrow will be a very long day.


In the next day's early hours, right on the outskirts of Eger, on the roads that lead to the East; three riders and eight infantrymen were getting ready to depart. They performed a routine inspection of supplies and weaponry. They didn't know exactly how many days the mission could take, so they were preparing the best way possible.

"Sir Elek, Sir Karcsi, I'm very grateful that you have accepted my invitation" said Clement as he greeted the knights; they responded by greeting with cordiality.

Elek had short gray hair, just like his mustache and goatee beard; wrinkles on his face showed his age. He was over fifty, and was already in age to retire; a thing that he would never do and Rodger knew it very well. He would rather die in combat than in a bed.

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