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From the castle's central courtyard, it was possible to observe a light, pouring out from the window of the highest tower. A figure leaned out frequently from the opening in the wall, staring at the brightest stars in the night's darkness, as trying to receive heavenly inspiration.

"These writings are simple puzzles for you. They don't represent a real challenge". A man in his late forties, with hazel eyes, blond curly hair and a beardless face, strolled by an elegant room with remarkable restlessness. Large libraries adorned the walls; a desk laid at the center, and on it several books and scrolls were placed randomly.

Chosen one. Protector. These words haunted the mind of Bishop Konrád. "I'm so close to have a great power in my hands, literally. I only need that last part of the puzzle..."

He took a book in his hands, and resumed his night reading. His concentration was interrupted by three knocks on the door.

"Gergely, what's going on? I'm busy!" said the enraged Bishop.

"My lord, it's imperative that you come with me. They have returned" said the sentinel.

With almost inhuman speed, Konrád placed the book on the table. He went to dress up with something more representative of his position, as main counselor of the Baron Levente.

He opened the door at the same speed, and came face to face with his main guard. "How long ago since they returned?" he asked impatiently, while making the last adjustments to his clothing.

"I couldn't tell my lord. Few minutes ago" replied the sentinel. "Only the young man came back" he added.

Guard and Bishop descended the spiral stairs quickly. "Ignác is a competent warrior. What kind of trouble have they encountered, that he couldn't return?"

"No one must know what's going on, not even the Baron. Is Gáspár constantly watched and isolated?"

"Yes my lord. We have him in strict custody, per your instructions" the guard replied. "Although I have to say that the young knight seems to have lost his sanity".

"What do you mean?" asked Konrád, frowning.

"He's babbling, speaking nonsense. He's also very scared, as if he had seen the devil itself" said while crossing himself.

They finished walking down the stairs and went through a great hall. Finally arriving to a small room that was at the other end of the castle. Two soldiers stood guard outside. Konrád and Gergely entered and closed the door behind them. Inside was another guard, with his hand ready on his sword's handle, and the young Gáspár sitting on a chair.

"The forest... it's alive... it kills the unworthy" said with a trembling voice. He repeated those words over and over again, while firmly holding the crucifix that hanged from his neck.

"He's like that since we found him at the city's main entrance" said the guard that watched him closely, prepared to face any novelty with the affected knight.

"Gáspár had the opportunity to talk to someone in the city?" the Bishop asked the guard.

"No my lord, we brought him here as soon as he arrived, and kept him isolated per your request. Also he was stripped of his weapons".

"Excellent work. Everyone shall be rewarded by the grace of the Lord" said the Bishop while crossing himself. The guards did the same.

"You can leave me alone with the young knight. He's tired and needs to talk to someone he can trust. I doubt that he will do me any harm" Konrád told his guards with authority. The sentinels complied with the order, but not before showing a face of concern towards his lord while leaving the room.

"Tell me, what happened with your assignment?" asked with a friendly tone. He didn't want to disturb Gáspár no more.

"Sire, the forest is cursed. The earth swallowed Ignác alive" said with a trembling voice again. Tears began to slide through his cheeks.

"Calm down, it's all over. Now you're under our protection, and our Lord's" said the Bishop while holding a great golden crucifix that hanged from his neck.

"Pray with me my son, and the Lord shall remove all distress from your heart". He began to recite prayers and asked Gáspár to do the same. That seemed to reassure the young man.

"Now, tell me everything that happened in great detail. Take your time. Start from the beginning" said with a soothing voice.

"Everything happened so fast" said Gáspár while forcing himself to calm a little bit. "When we went into the forest, and camped at night, a strange voice surrounded us. It said that we were not worthy to enter or something like that" he added, seeing the Bishop with watery eyes, he made a pause.

"Please, continue my son" Konrád said.

"We arrived at the cave that you ordered us to search. Inside, we found a path that took us deep into the mountains. Remains of ancient ruins were on the other side. A large boulder blocked the entrance" he made another pause. "When we tried to move the rock to clear the entrance, the ground came alive and consumed Ignác".

"I understand that it has been a horrifying experience my son" said the Bishop. "Could you retrieve anything of interest from the ruins?"

"We couldn't find any object. Only these transcripts of some strange symbols engraved on the stones" said the young man while pulling a piece of leather from his backpack.

Konrád took the leather. He approached one of the torches that were on the wall, he needed the light to ease the reading.

"Celtic runes. What the hell were the Celts doing in these parts?" He remained still while reading the symbols. He had some knowledge about that language, enough to translate some of the runes. Protector, executor, pure-hearted chosen one. Only the pure of heart can enter.

"Hmm. Right now I can't decipher all the symbols, I need time to do it" said Konrád. "I appreciate all the effort and sacrifice you have made for me and the realm".

He approached the young man, and he lifted his gaze. "I don't want to let you go, without giving you the blessing, brave Gáspár" said while taking out something from his pocket. "Please take this, it will heal your spirit and cleanse your sins" he ordered, as the young knight placed the food in his mouth.

"In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" the Bishop made the sign of the cross over the knight's head.

"Amen" answered Gáspár.

"You can go in peace, to meet with your family".

"Thank you my lord".

The Bishop left the room and closed the door behind him.

"Gergely, I need to tell you something important" he said, making a gesture with his hand to the soldier to come closer. "He's been awarded with the final blessing. I need you to dispose his body, quickly and silently" whispered in the sentinel's ear.

"You also have to take care of both knights' relatives, we cannot leave loose ends at this moment. Remember, no one must know" he added, the soldier nodded slowly.

"What if the Baron asks questions my lord?" asked, whispering.

"Don't worry about that, I'll handle Levente if it's necessary" the Bishop replied.

Gergely made a salute to his superior, and began giving orders to his subordinate guards. They entered the room and carried the young man unconscious body. His life was slipping through, thanks to the poison he'd just received. Some other guards abandoned the castle and headed towards the town. The life of the knights' families were soon to be extinguished.

"I need to study these runes immediately, they are the key to the artifact". Said Konrád to himself. "I think I have the solution to my dilemma, but I'll need the Baron's help. Whether he likes it or not, I'll get it anyway". He smiled, knowing that every hour that passed, he was closer to achieve his goals. His mind was working at an accelerated pace, and needed to return to his room to make the preparations.

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