Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I should be freaking out in a situation like this, but that's what makes me different from most people. This isn't the worst case that I have been in with a principle and this probably wont be the last either. Back in my old school, my principle and I become close. I know that might be a shocker to most people. I come off as shy and quite, trust me, I am. But, everyone has their past. Why do you think I got shipped off to live with the Crouses?


Everyone has family problems. Some last longer than others. It seems as though mine has lasted longer than anyone can imagine. When people see my family, The Wilson's, they only think of the rumors that spread around the little town in South Carolina.

My mom, works two jobs. The day one consist of her taking care of the children at the local hospital. The night one consist of her bar-tending at the local bar. When people think of my mom, they dont think of her caring and loving the poor innocent children at the hospital. No. They think of her as the stupid bartender, trying to earn some extra money for her own personal needs.

My dad, broke his back two years ago and since there hasn't even left the bedroom. He quit his job and grown a liking to pain pills. People don't see him as the hurt man who used to take care of his family and did anything to make sure we had everything we needed. No. They think of him as the drugged man who cant take care of his family to save a life anymore.

My brother, Blake, well I haven't seen him in 5 months. Once all the rumors started up about our mom and dad, he ran for the hills. I don't know if he went to college or military or even if he is still alive. I haven't heard from him at all. People started to say that he got hooked on drugs just like his father and got involved in gang violence. 

Then there's me. I stayed in school. Had good grades and only got in trouble every once and awhile. I would get into occasional fights when someone would bring up my family and it would normally result in suspension. 

I was walking in the schools hallway on my way to dance practice. I had promised my instructor that i would come thirty minutes early to work on the showcase that we was holding in two weeks. Dancing had always been my passion. I would dance when I was sad, angry, happy, or confused. I was always dancing. On that note you could probably notices my panic when I realized that I was running five minutes late. I was dodging people to the best of my ability and I was doing pretty good to. Then my shoelace has to come undone and catch on a nearby locker. I may be a dancer. Dancers may be graceful. But that's only when there dancing. I'm a total klutz when I'm not dancing.

On instinct, I grabbed the closest thing nest to me, which happen to be Hayley Lane. 

Now, Hayley Lane may come off as sweet and innocent, but she is the devils side kick on the inside. Which is the reason why when she started yelling at me I wasn't so surprised.

"Just because your shady mom throws herself at all the guys in the bar doesn't mean you can throw yourself on people too!" she yelled while throwing a hard shove tp my shoulder.

1,2,3,... I began counting to ten, just like my therapist had told me to do when I became angry. 

Ignore her Auds.

"What? Can you not talk? Has your bum of a father rubbed off on you to much. First he goes mute and now you do. Next thing we all know, your gonna be hooked on those pills locked up in a room too." 

4,5,6,7,.... Just turn around and walk away. Walk away from it.

Walk away from it Auds.

I turned on my right foot getting ready to walk out the front door. 

"Oh look guys. Shes running away just like her stupid brother did when everything got hard." Hayley yelled out while giggling with her friends.

I turned back around to look her in the eyes. You could practically feel the anger coming off of both of us.

A tear rolled down my face and I scrunched up my fist. 

"Looks like stuff does run through the family. Oh look shes cryi-"

8,9,10... Jesus, just fuck it. 

"Bitch!" I yelled out while I lashed at her. 

I felt us collide with the locker behind her and then go rolling to the floor. I threw my first punch. Then second. Third. I wasn't even going to give her the time to defend herself. My blows kept coming faster and harder every time. I stood up over her when I felt my knuckles couldn't take anymore and started sending kicks into her side. 

I was screaming everything profanity that came to my mouth. Then I felt someone grab me from behind and pull my wrist behind my back trying to stop me from creating anymore damage.

I thought it was another student behind me until I felt the handcuffs lock. 

The Police. I was then pulled out to the front of the school, where I saw a police car and ambulance in front of it. 

The police officer opened the back of the car and began to shove me in when I took a peek at the ambulance in front of me. They were wheeling Hayley into the back of it while rushing to get oxygen mask on her to help with breathing. 

I didn't hurt her that bad, did I?


Hayley has been in a coma ever since that day. The doctors are saying that she should be better in about six months but that didn't really matter. I went to a court date a week later and was ordered to be shipped off across the country. And that's were the Crouses came in. 


I wanted this chapter to be mainly about her life back home and what happened to get her shipped ot the Crouses  house. That was the incident. Let me know what you thought about it and what do you think of Audrey now? Does she seem like the poor, little girl anymore? She can sure kicked some ass. 

PS. The Crouse Residence on the side. 






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