It's Time to Become a Fucking Legend

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"So, we're going to the mall, right?" Claire asked as she poured a bowl of fruit loops, "the one with the Justice in it right, Claire's too, cause Grandpa Bob gave me twenty dollars and I wanna buy some cute accessories" she moved to the table with her bowl, "Move Em! That's my spot" she ordered.

Emily rolled her eyes as she shifted seats, "Whatever" she mumbled.

Kim watched the interaction closely, the two girls had been at each other's throats lately, she couldn't help but wonder if Claire was going through a growth spurt and that puberty was just around the corner.

She had made the mistake of mentioning it to Adam a few days ago and she nearly died at his reaction, his face lost all color and she was certain he stopped breathing. He finally rose from the couch and began pacing the living room, muttering over and over again that it couldn't happen so soon. That she wasn't even a teenager yet, that he didn't think he'd survive puberty.

"Whatever" Claire mocked her little sister, "you're such a little jerk" she huffed.

"Hey!" Kim scolded Claire, "that was uncalled for, tell her you're sorry"

"Sorry.." Claire grumbled, rolling her eyes.

Yes, puberty was headed to the Ruzek household.

Adam finally rolled over, it was just after ten and he could hear his girls bickering all the way upstairs.

He ran a hand through his hair as he went downstairs, " man!" He high fived his son who was currently lost in one of the Transformers movies. Marcus' eyes only briefly leaving the screen to acknowledge his father.

He found his girls in the kitchen and gave them each a kiss "Morning girls..sorry I missed your games" he apologized, "I'll be at next week's you can count on it"

"Sure.." Claire replied sarcastically as she dumped the remnants of her breakfast down the disposal.

"I'm sorry.." Adam hated missing out on so much, but sometimes it couldn't be helped.

"It's alright Daddy...I know you tried" Emily hugged him, "Are you coming to the mall?"

Kim laughed out loud, " know daddy doesn't do the mall, it's just us today" she grabbed Adam's hips and pulled him towards her, "instead Daddy is gonna finally get to the 'honey do list', aren't you?" She stood on her toes to kiss him.

Claire jammed her index finger down her throat, "Gross!"

Adam laughed against Kim's lips and continued to kiss her, laughing when he heard both girls make a quick exit.

Just a few hours later Kim gathered the kids up, "Tell daddy bye" she grabbed her keys and waited at the front door as they kissed Adam good bye.

"Darlin?" Adam called out, Kim looked over her shoulder at him, "Be careful...I love you" he winked.

It sent a shiver down her spine, after all these years he could still get to her with just a look.

"I love you too" she smiled.

The mall was massive, it was two stories and shaped like an 'L' the flagship stores anchored the corners of the mall, a food court on the second level and bottom section of the 'L'.

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