Marcus Ruzek?

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The scene was unlike anything they'd seen before, the mall looked like something out of a horrible movie.

The SWAT team had deemed the mall 'clear', they were now looking for any potential victims, though they didn't have high hopes.

The forensics team carefully inspected every inch of the mall, dropping small numbered plastic tents next to the shell casings and those obviously deceased.

Adam and Bob had been working over the phones, reluctantly he allowed April to take the girls back to her and Kevin's house. He could barely look them in the eyes, he was beyond scared and he knew they picked up on it.

Watching them walk off with April was almost more than he could tolerate, half his heart was still unaccounted for sending the girls home was hard but it needed to be done. They were in great hands with April, and he needed to turn his focus on finding Kim and Marcus.

"Over here!" One of the guys called out, "two victims here..." He wanted to rage at the world, something so innocuous had turned into a blood bath.

Mothers school shopping with their children, shouldn't end in death.

The others joined him, for three strong and many men they'd been reduced to their knees at the sight before them, a mother protecting her young child.

"Yes, my wife and son" Adam said into the phone, "My wife is about five foot six, maybe five foot seven, brown shoulder length hair and eyes, my little boy he's four years old, about thirty five pounds and just over three feet tall..he's tiny, his hair is light brown and it's kind of shaggy...he's getting it cut soon...he starts pre school" Adam said sadly.

He could hear her sigh, "I'm sorry..we haven't received anyone matching those descriptions" she told him.

Adam nodded, "Can I leave a contact number...please?"

"Of course"

Adam fought back a sob as he ended the call, he checked another hospital off the list. He wasn't sure how he felt, the fact they weren't at a hospital was reassuring on one hand and absolutely horrifying on the other.

He pushed the thoughts from his mind and rejoined the intelligence unit just feet from the mobile command center.

He was met with awkward looks, "No record of them" he whispered, "when can we get inside?"

Hank took a sip of his now stone cold coffee, "Soon...keep holding on to that Adam, she's smart"

He nodded in agreement, he wanted to agree with his boss but it had been an hour since the last survivor had been located, locked in a women's bathroom. Initially he had though it would be Kim and Marcus running towards him, his heart broke when it was a teenaged girl who emerged from the building.

He carried over the body bag, kneeling down he carefully lifted the woman up and checked for any signs of life, he knew it was pointless it was clear the woman was dead.

His heart broke when he saw the little boy lying face down on the tile his white Cubs jersey drenched in blood, he gingerly placed his two fingers on his neck, relief washed over him when he felt it.

A very faint sign of life, he was alive.

"Quick! I need a medic...he's alive!" He screamed. He wanted to scoop the boy up in his arms but resisted the urge unsure of the injuries he sustained.

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