I Got Mommy Dead

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Bob had searched through the closets with Joan's help, today wasn't going to be easy for anyone.

They finally found something for each of the children to wear for the funeral, he still struggled with wrapping his head around the fact that his daughter in law was gone, it had been a little over a week and it still felt surreal.

Marcus had finally stabilized, though his new battle began. Currently he was paralyzed from the waist down, and while there was hope that he would regain some motor function no one was holding their breath.

He was miserable.

Adam was miserable.

Claire was miserable.

Emily was their concern, she hadn't spoke a word since the night of the shooting. Her first appointment with Dr.Charles seemed to be a waste of time, all she did was stare off into the distance.

She had completely detached herself from everything, it scared the shit out of Adam. He didn't know how to help her, the doctor insisted on continuing the appointments that he would get through to her.

The girls dressed in simple dresses, sat quietly in the living room the television was on but no one was paying any attention to it.

Claire couldn't help the anger that was bubbling in her, she hated everyone and everything. She was furious with Marcus, that he needed to pee all the time, why couldn't he hold it? She was pissed off at her father, he hated shopping so much..but she'd seen other dads that day at the mall, happily holding the bags while the kids and their mothers shopped.

Claire bet those kids got out unharmed and with their mothers still alive, but not her, nope her father refused to go.

Now, her little brother couldn't walk, her sister was stunned into silence and her mother was dead.

The front door finally opened and she watched as her father struggled with Marcus' wheelchair, he'd be granted a day pass to leave the hospital to attend Kim's funeral.

"Hey guys" Adam attempted to sound pleasant as he walked in, it was impossible he was barely holding it together. The last week had been brutal and all he wanted to do was dive face first into a bottle of whiskey, or eat lead.

What kicked it off where the tests they had run on Marcus and he failed every single one of them, it was looking less and less likely that his son would be able to walk on his own. He had limited feeling in his legs but that was about it, Marcus was miserable. He was in constant pain which confused the shit out of Adam, how could he be in pain if his spinal cord had been damaged.

Will had given him some medical jargon filled speech which he didn't understand at all, Kim was the one who did all of that. She understood, he didn't.

Claire rolled her eyes and left the living room, Adam could feel her slipping away from him, "Claire bear!" He tried to call her back in, only for her to look over her shoulder at him in disgust.

He could feel the anger coming off her waves, "Where do you wanna go?" He gave up on Claire and turned his attention to Marcus.

"Couch" he said softly, "where's grandma?"

"In the kitchen I think" Adam, "why?"

"I want her" Marcus declared, Kim's mother had been in high demand with his children and she was able to provide for them what he couldn't. If they couldn't have their mother, their mother's mother was the next best thing.

"Alright, I'll get her. You need to get changed...you want me or grandma to do it?" Adam asked, they had to learn how to take care of Marcus since his injury and that included putting his four year old back in diapers. It wasn't an easy decision but they felt this would be the least invasive option, it didn't lessen the blow to Marcus.

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