Tagged /)O.O(\

2 1 0

Obviously, I got tagged, sooo.. I think you know how it works

You nickname
Well, I have a few: Bob, Spade boy, plunger boy and dumbass, ironically

Your eye colour
They're sort of a bluish, greenish, Aqua

Your hair colour
Ginger red

One fact about you
I'm pretty sure I piss my friends off when I pretend to rape them. I know imma weird one

Favourite colour
Red all the way #redliveson

Favourite celebrity
Hmm... I'd say...does Albert Einstein count?

Favourite animal
Hmm...its out of dogs or cats

Favourite song
HOLY CRAP THIS IS SO HARD THERES SO MANY: 1 Centuries, 2 Immortals, 3, anything from Nightcore, 4 life is a highway, 5 Anything from INXS, 6 anything from AC/DC

Favourite book
Any fictional book

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