Chapter 5 : A Journey Begins with One Step

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Two days into their journey the companions stumble upon two overturned wagons blocking the road. Before they can investigate a dozen goblins, six on either side of the road, jump out to surprise the companions.

They did not expect the group they surprised to be so prepared.

Spek wastes no time and takes out the two closest to him with his morningstar smashing the skull of one and bashing the other in the chest. He has a big grin on his face the whole time.

The goblins at once became unsure of themselves but had no choice but to take on the party. They moved in closer but obviously had never had anyone fight back before. They tried to be menacing but two more go down with magic missile holes from Durnrik in their chests. Then two more die with Maxus' arrows in their chests. One turns to run but is taken down by Rodrick's arrow. Ballthandian takes down another. Jesus takes down two more with his sling. Leaving two left in less than a minute's time. The other two try escape into the woods but Ballthandian follows them.

The party follows the wolf into the woods giving the goblins chase. They end up in a clearing no more than one hundred yards off of the road. There are no goblins to be seen but there is a camp site with one small tent and a bunch of dirty sleeping bags laid out in various places on the ground. The companions search the camp finding a little money and a couple of rusty weapons, leaving the tent for last. They approach the tent cautiously and find that there is noone inside.

A search of the tent uncovers a trove of mostly worthless things that they had stolen from who knows how many villagers. They being no more than trophies for what they can only assume to be the leader of this, forcefully disbanded, group of bandits.

The only thing worth their time is a large (for a goblin), well worn chest. There is only room for maybe two, cramped, regular sized beings in the tent. There however must be two inside while Maxus checks the chest, Durnrik has drawn the short straw. Maybe it's not adventuring rule number one but it is definitely in the top five. Never leave a rogue and a chest alone. Any rogue will agree with this rule and will gladly make you pay the consequences if you break it.

Maxus finds a poison dart trap on the chest but is unable to disarm it. He decides, as per usual, to set it off. "No chest left behind." This a favorite saying in the group. It has also been used in a tavern or two.

Maxus fiddles with the trap. There is a audible click and... nothing happens. "Not a very good trap." He mumbles somewhat disappointed. He opens the chest and it is filled with coins! Upon closer inspection though they are all made of copper. They estimate there to be almost a thousand of them! Digging around in the coins Maxus pulls out a blue gem the size of Spek's fists put together!

They leave the tent and tell the others what they have found. They decide to have Spek carry the chest until they can exchange the coins for larger value coins and substantially lighten thier load.

They move the wagons off the road as best they can, after all they are not the DOT, and continue to walk down the road.

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