And Now I'm Gone

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A/N: Sorry for not updating. Kinda got caught up in school. I'm guessing most of you left, the few who were reading this. Anywhoo! I hope you enjoy and please comment even if it isn't insightful or anything particularly interesting, it just really makes us writers feel good. Also TRIGGER; blood/death/violence

The Strangest of Memories (Dean POV)

I woke up and Cas was staring at me, I mean, the kinda stares that get you laid.

"Hey c-Cas, the last person who looked at me like that got laid." I expect him to blush. Yet he doesn't. He just starts crawling up my body, making sure every ounce of weight was on me.

I start blushing.

"c-Cas w-what the HELL." I harshly whisper, voice cracking and straining as he licks his lips. He's straddling me at this point. He just smiles at my nervous stutter. And then he kisses me.

It's the kind of kiss that a porn star would see in an action movie, then promptly write the movie directors and tell them, that they, as a porn star, label it porn.

His mouth was connected with mine and he was grabbing onto me shirt, pulling my face closer to his. I instinctively opened my mouth, and his tongue slid in.

It wrapped and licked around my mouth, and I was trying to hold back a sound when he bites my lip and grinds his hips down. I moan, again, like this was a porn worthy kiss. I can't believe this is happening. I mean, I only just started thinking of him in this way.

This morning in fact. And now we're kissing. Nope, he's kissing my neck now, right below my ear. I gasp as he bites and nibbles and moan as he continues to grind. I pull at his hair and earn a moan from him and he says my name, he starts taking off my shirt.

He throws it on the floor, kissing all the way down my stomach, nibbling a bit even. When he reaches my pants I kinda just gasp as he looks up. His eyes are dark, the blue almost completely gone. I nod and he slides down both my pants and boxers in one excruciatingly slow movement.

My cock is now free and he slips his mouth around it. I stand there in utter silence until he starts licking, and I give one moan.

"Ca-as" and promptly I hear him question

"Dean?" I look down and no longer do I see a fucking hot Cas sucking me off, but the covers of a bed. His bed. I had a fucking erotic dream about him in his own bed.

With him right next to me.

And myself literally wrapped around him.

He looks severely uncomfortable.

I know I am, so I jump up and head to go and take a cold shower.

In the shower I decided on driving Cas in my car knowing he had one, but let's face the fact, his car choice sucked. Also he looked fucking hot in my vehicle, but that wasn't the point.

Sam might argue the opposite  but I can promise you it's not, okay?

Also, the more I seemed to talk to him, the better things seem to get. Well, since last night. I'm not actually sure, but lately all I've been able to think about is him (and his stupid gorgeous face and his sadly straight mind) and this thing that happened to me a while back.

  I've never told Sammy this, but, here goes:

Several years ago, almost a decade now, something happened to Sam. I was in our friends Bobbie's house and all of a sudden Sam wouldn't wake up, and then this lady showed up. She said it was unusual, but she could save Sammy.

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