Chapter 1 : News

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"DARLING, I know this is hard on you and your brother, but it really is the best decision for our family." Charlotte's mother, Linda smiled sadly, her blood red lips shining in the light from the ceiling. Her words sounded sincere but Charlotte knew that this wasn't the case.

What her mother thought was good for the family, was usually just good for her.

Her father smiled at her, his eyes sad. He was standing behind her, his body language showing he was uncomfortable in Charlotte's presence.

"Have you told Jayden yet?" She asked, trying to control her displeasure with the change.

"Oh yes, he seemed very excited." She rolled her eyes at her mum, earning a narrow eyed glare from her.

"Of course he would, he's always wanted to go there."

Her mother nodded, the glare now gone. Her mother wanted this to work and she needed Charlotte's cooperation.

"That is very true darling, but your father and I really were appointed in very good positions, very high up in the Ministry and in all honesty, we both know you will love it there." Her father, Jon nodded along, his eyes shifting around the room.

She huffed but nodded. For the last year, her parents have been very aloof and unemotionally available to their children. Especially towards Charlotte. She wasn't surprised that they didn't speak to them about this.

They weren't always this way though. They doted on their four children, but since the accident, they had withdrawn from the three remaining siblings.

"And Jackson?" Charlotte asked.

"He's 20 darling, he does whatever he wants. He's also busy in the Congo right now. Something about a wizards treasure near a troupe of gorillas. You know I can't keep up with him." Linda flicked her hand to dismiss the topic.

Charlotte scrunched her nose in annoyance. Her oldest brother was out of the house and away from everything, and even though she couldn't stand him, she was jealous of his freedom.

Sometimes she really disliked being 16. Almost 17.

"What are my professors going to say? Transferring isn't very common."

Linda rolled her eyes, now very annoyed with Charlotte's endless questions.

"That is all taken care of. I asked that they owl all your results and reviews to your new professors at Hogwarts. Since transfers are so rare, especially from Uagadou, they have made special provisions for you." This was all said with a harsh voice.

Charlotte nodded and sighed, admitting defeat. She looked down at her bare feet, feeling her chest tighten up. She truly loved her school, where they lived and didn't want to leave all her good memories behind.

"You will love finishing your schooling at Hogwarts darling, it's only a year and it is an amazing school. I am pretty sure you will be in Ravenclaw; you have your mother's brains." Linda winked and then smirked at Jon.

"No, I'm pretty sure they will both be in Gryffindor, they are noble and courageous just like me." His deep voice rumbled and her parents started bickering in between each other. She pursed her lips, shook her head at them and left the room, her hands in her jean pockets. She didn't want to be anything like them

She glanced outside, to see where Jayden was.

He was sitting on the steps outside the kitchen, staring out at the grassveld. His shoulders were hunched, and there was a subdued sadness to his posture. They lived in a round house, that was two stories' tall and a dark blue. It was eccentric and tall but it suited the big family. It was surrounded by the grass velds of Kenya, where the family lived. It was in the middle of nowhere and they didn't have any neighbours but that didn't deter them from having many friends growing up.

Their father was a Herbologist and their mother a Magizooligist. They specialized in African fauna and animals, so the siblings grew up in the wild with them. They had travelled a lot when they were younger but settled down in Kenya, close to the muggle city of Kisumu.

Charlotte gave Jayden a soft kick in his back and sat next to him. He grunted at her but didn't look at Charlotte.

"Merlin, something must be tragically wrong with you. You always hit me on my calf when I kick you like that." Charlotte said, eyeing her brother.

Jayden rolled his eyes but didn't comment. He came outside to be alone and wasn't happy it was her interrupting him.

"So you're okay with this J? To leave our home?" Her voice was soft.

The sun was setting, leaving a soft pink shade over the green grass in front of the twins. Jayden took some time to answer.

"I don't have much of choice, but yeah I'm fine with this. I love Uagadou but the school is not known for its Quidditch. You know that's what I want to do after school, even though mum and dad insist on something else. You will do well at Hogwarts too." He didn't want to add a few other reasons, not wanting bring up past hurt.

"I guess, but I don't know. I feel like Evita is going to skin you alive. She has a frightening temper."

He laughed at his sister, her subject change amusing him.

"Just like you?" She hit him again, grinning.

"No she won't. We're not together anymore. She said something about not wanting to tie herself down after school and to continue on with her new 'life'. I stopped listening to her when her voice started becoming shrill. I'm not dating an older woman again." She glanced at him and he was rolling his eyes.

Charlotte smirked but didn't comment. He sighed again. The unspoken words of the sadness of leaving their home and their memories flew around them like the leaves in autumn. She gave him an awkward side hug, due to sitting down.

"She didn't deserve you."

He turned to her, grinned and then punched her in the arm. He didn't want to be sad anymore and angry at her anymore. He stood up and started running.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"My way of saying that I love you!" He shouted as she chased after him.

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