Chapter 7 : Wagadoo

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CHARLOTTE closed her eyes, leaning back into the soft pillows of her new bed. It was quiet in the dormitories, the green from the lake making the room darker. The Slytherin dormitories were underneath the Black Lake, something she found fascinating.

She wondered if the merpeople ever came close to the dormitories and whether they had an objection to the building intruding into their home. She wanted to find a window that was deeper into the lake, and not in the shallow waters, like the one in the common room. Maybe if they came close to the window then maybe she could communicate with them. 

Charlotte was her parents daughter, though that did not matter now that they could hardly stand her. The only person who could, was Jayden and he was her twin.

She didn't know how to feel about being so far away from her brother. Uagadou wasn't as big as Hogwarts, and there was only two 'houses'. The twins shared a house and saw each other every day. Now, according to Professor Dumbledore, she would only see him in class and eating times. Unless she socialized with him. 

Her brother understood her and always seemed to help her with making friends, something she didn't want to do on her own and very rarely did. Of course, her brother would try and  make friends with the one person she couldn't stand. 

Luckily, they weren't in the same house. She hoped.

Charlotte's eyes flew open with the sounds of voices filtering in from the common room dungeon. The green from the lake threw her perception of reality off, but it went away as quick as it came. The house snake stared down at her from the canopy of her four poster bed. Everything in the dormitory was in the colours green and silver. They created a dark atmosphere to the dormitory but she didn't mind it too much. 

It was actually quiet homey in the common room.

She stretched out her lithe frame, and stood up from the bed. She gestured to her hair and the espresso brown hair flew into a french braid. She walked down the long corridor, yawning as she went, the doors of the various rooms lightening in its shades of dark green, as she got closer to the common room. 

Various girls walked past her, staring at her in cold surprise and superiority. She smirked at a couple of them, just to throw them off and walked into the common room, the coldness from the lake seeping through. Her body shivered in the cold and she sat on a couch right next to the biggest fireplace, trying to warm herself up. 

"You're sitting on my couch." 

The new voice was cold and hostile. Charlotte glanced up at girl standing above her. She had chocolate eyes and long chocolate hair that was curly. She was pretty tall, probably around 5"9 and lean, obviously an athlete of some kind. Her voice was low for a female and her pretty face was haughty.

"Sorry mate, I didn't see your name on it." Charlotte sneered.

Leah narrowed her eyes at the new student and was about to reply when someone came up behind her. He pat her on the shoulders and she jumped a mile high.

"Merlin! Hunter, why do you always do that?" She panted angrily, with her hand over her heart. 

He laughed and sat down next to Charlotte, unabashed that she was a stranger to him. He had hair to his shoulders and grey storm coloured eyes. He was naturally tan and he smiled at the new student. He was a handsome boy, something that threw Charlotte off for a second. She peered curiously at him. She wasn't used to boys that good-looking coming to her without her brothers friendship.

"Don't mind Leah, she's weirdly possessive about this couch. Something about snogging with some quidditch captain in second year or something." He shrugged and laughed as Leah hit him on the shoulder.

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