@Soh-FEE; Awe, I do too. But when I get home I'm having some type of dinner with my family🙄🔫.
@codychristian; I'm not disturbing it or anything am I?
@Soh-FEE; No, you're fine, their not paying attention anyway.
@codychristian; Okay good.
@Soh-FEE; Wyd?
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@codychristian; Just out for a drive.
@Soh-FEE; I'm gonna die.
@codychristian; Wait what? Why?
@Soh-FEE; My mom asked me what was I doing since I'm talking to you, then I gave her a look. She knew I was talking about you and she said OHHH. Then my father was like 😟, so clueless. My little cousins/little brats kept chanting 'Sophie's got a boyfriend, Sophie's got a boyfriend'. My dad looked confused my mom was laughing, my aunt looked proud and my uncle looked too drunk to even notice.
@codychristian; Oh wow😂.
@Soh-FEE; This is so embarrassing.
@codychristian; No I think it's pretty cool that they got this excited.
@Soh-FEE; You sure?
@codychristian; Positive babe, nothing that anyone says or does is gonna keep me away from you.
@Soh-FEE; 😊😊.
@codychristian; 😉😘. So wydn?
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@Soh-FEE; Just got in the car about to drive away.
@codychristian; Okay well call me when you get home.