
104 9 1

Psychotic_Gee sent you a snap!

Psychotic_Gee: how the fuck does this even work?

Frank_Idc: Gerard... You just took a picture of your nose.

Psychotic_Gee: jus b thankful that it was jus my nos and not anythin els.

Frank_Idc: OKAY. EW.

Psychotic_Gee: wat is it, frankenwienie? do u not like my eyes? :(

Frank_Idc: :O Oh, that's what you meant.

Psychotic_Gee: tsk tsk tsk what a filthy mind u r.

Frank_Idc: Shut up and get spell in complete, coherent words, Gerard.

Psychotic_Gee: not til u get ur mind out of the gutter filthy frank.

Opened at 12:09

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