+Chapter Twenty Three+

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"Hello? " "Is he awake?" "I don't know"

Gabriel gasped, then sat up, making the two girl infront of him back away in fear. Gabriel looked at his surroundings and saw everything falling in despair and chaos. The buildings were crumbling and windows were shattered. The lakes and ponds were filled with trash and dirt. 

"W-Where am I?" Gabriel asked the two girls infront of him. "You're in the Chamber of Souls, our place called 'home'" One of the girls said, who had ender dragon wings.

"We found you just laying here, what happened to you?" The other girl asked, with concern in her voice.

"I don't quite remember, all I remember is that...*Gasp* Herobrine!" Gabriel growled.

"Herobrine?" The two girls looked at each other, then back at Gabriel.

"He's free?!" The girl exclaimed.

"That's what I saw before I came here" Gabriel replied.

"Crap! If Herobrine sent you here, you're in big, big trouble. He-" One of the girls were cut off by a portal opening beside them.

"GABRIEL!" A familiar female voice called out.

"Alex?" Gabriel whispered. "Dear Notch! You're okay!" Alex exclaimed. "Herobrine is going to destroy the world! Minecraftia, The End, The Nether, everything! Then he'll take everyone and make them his slaves!" Alex exclaimed.

"What!?" Gabriel shouted. "He's gonna do, WHAT?!" The two girls also shouted.

"Gabriel, you're the bravest warrior of Minecraftia. You and the rest of the Order needs to defeat Herobrine!" Alex said to Gabriel.

"You saw what he did! He threw me into this, hell hole!" Gabriel replied.

"Excuse me, this 'hell hole' is our home" One girl said, crossing her arms.

"Um..actually I was the one who sent you here..." Alex said, nervously. Gabriel looked at her with disbelief. "I'm sorry! It was for your safety too, you know!" Alex said.

"How am I going to defeat Herobrine? He's very powerful!" Gabriel said.

"We need the Symbols of Sacrifice!" Alex exclaimed, confidently.

"The Symbols of Sacrifice? Hey! We know one of them!" One girl said.

"But how rude of us, Hi! My name is Willow! This is my friend, Mercy" Willow greeted happily,

"We know one Symbol, it's the Bow of Bravery!" Mercy said.

"That's it! That's the weapon you're going to use Gabriel!" Alex said.

"But, I don't know how to use a bow. Only Soren and Ellegaard know how" Gabriel said.

"But that doesn't mean you can't learn! Comn' we'll show you!" Mercy and Willow said.

Mercy took out a few arrows and Willow took out a bow. They gave it to Gabriel.

"Now, take a deepbreath, and let go of the arrow" Mercy said, as Gabriel held out the bow and arrow. But as he tried to shoot, the arrow would either keep falling off or the arrow would miss the target.

Alex facepalmed herself. But she had to encourage him. "Go Gabriel!" Alex said, nervously.

Gabriel held out another arrow but as he tried to shoot the target, he accidentally hit a window of a tall building.

"Whoops..." Gabriel muttered.

Then they all heard an angry scream. "WHO THREW THIS AT ME!?" An angry, very tall woman yelled angryily, as she stuck out her head from the tall window.

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