+Chapter Twenty Four+

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Magnus slowly sat up, rubbing his head due to him, passing out. But as he looked around his surroundings, it looked all futuristic and 'nerdy' as he thought.

"What the..Where the hell am I?" Magnus tried to stand up but he fell back down, due to the gas..HEROBRINE!! Magnus thought. He became angry and frustrated.

He tried to stand up again but he again fell back down.

"Excuse me? But are you okay?" A female voice asked behind him.

Magnus looked behind him to see a girl, that looked around 25 years old, she wore a red hoodie and she looked like a human-dragon hybrid.

"Um..." Magnus didn't know what to say.

"If you're hurt, I could help you. My name is EllieDragon" EllieD said, smiling warmly. She held out her hand at Magnus.

Magnus hesitantly took it and EllieD pulled him up to his feet.

"Don't worry, uh..sir" EllieD said.

"Magnus, the names Magnus" Magnus replied.

"Oh, okay. I'll bring you over to th-"


A portal opened then a man with a familiar blue shirt and dark blue pants came out of it.

"Steve!?" Magnus exclaimed. Steve stood up from the ground, dusting off his shirt and pants. 

"Um....excuse me?" EllieD asked, confusedly. "But...who are you?" EllieD asked, timidly.

"Oh, pardon. I'm Steve. Pleased to meet you, but back to the point" Steve looked at Magnus with a concerned look on his face. 

"Magnus, now that you're here, we need to find somethi-" Steve was cutting off by footsteps being heard nearby. EllieD's eyes widened. 

"Oh no, they're coming. Quick! You two hide! Commander Tray doesn't like trespassers here" EllieD said, hurriedly. Magnus and Steve looked around and saw a building nearby. They ran towards it then hide behind it.

"EllieD, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?" A male voice, probably Commander Tray asked EllieD. "Well, I was...just walking out for some fresh air" EllieD lied.

"Get back inside, by five minutes" Commander Tray walked away with his troops behind him. Once they were gone, Magnus and Steve came out of their hiding place. 

"Sorry about that, he gets bossy when things turn out, uneven" EllieD said, laughing nervously. "That's okay? Now Magnus, since you're here, you and the Order are in grave danger" Steve said, gravely.

Magnus' eyes widened. "What?! What's gonna happen?" Magnus asked. "Herobrine is going to take over Minecraftia if someone won't stop him! And you're one of the Order! I believe you and the Order could defeat him!" Steve said.

"But, we couldn't even defeat the Endergragon! Let alone Herobrine!" Magnus replied back.

"But, still! I know you five could do it! You helped destroy a Witherstorm!" Steve replied, trying to boost Magnus' confidence.

"I can't do it! No thank you!" Magnus replied. "The Order could defeat him without me! I'll bail!" Magnus walked off.

"Wait! Magnus! That's where..." EllieD's voice trailed off as Magnus ignored her.

"We need to follow him" Steve followed Magnus, without him knowing. EllieD sighed and followed him.

Now back with Magnus, he muttered to himself while walking foward. Until he stopped his tracks.

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