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Sadly, Ayesha and Rahul couldn't find an ice cream stand nearby. The only one they found didn't have any ice creams left as a huge gang had just bought a lot of it.

Ayesha was a little upset, but Rahul promised to buy her something else.

He luckily saw a peanut vendor nearby and asked him for two packets of masala peanuts. He packed the peanuts into two newspapers and passed it to Rahul. After paying, he held one for Ayesha.

"Here," he said.

Ayesha's eyes widened at the amazing peanuts in his hands. Happily, she took one packet and immedietly began munching on them.

"You like them?" asked a surprised Rahul.

"I love them," she declared.

"You surprise me at times, to be honest."

"I do?"

"You do. It's kind of funny."

"I crack horrible jokes, you know," she blurted out.


"I'm serious. My jokes are not funny at all. They're lame."


"I just told you something about myself, Rahul. Aren't you saying anything 'bout yourself?"

"Well, I really enjoy playing and watching Cricket."

"Ah... I enjoy watching it."

"I love watching movies. They're a great way for me to forget everything for a while."

"I like dancing."

"I know."

She looked at him. "You do?"

"I do. You performed in many dances in college."

"Oh. Yeah."

"Genius, much?" he mocked.

She generally might've frowned, but now she couldn't help but smile. "Pssh. Whatever. It's close to eleven thirty. Wow, time flew super fast."

"Yep," he said, looking at the sky. Just then his phone rang. He saw the name and picked the call. "Hey, buddy. What's up?"

Ayesha wondered who called him at such a late hour.

"Now?" frowned Rahul. "Maybe... really? Uh, kind of busy... but... okay, fine. I'll see you in fifteen."

Ayesha felt her mood drop. He needed to go. He was going to leave her now. She frowned and looked down at her lap. She wanted to spend more time with him.

"Ayesha, listen," started Rahul but Ayesha cut him off with a sad smile.

"You need to go, right?"

"Yes. I do. Is it okay if we go to the club, right now? You okay with it?"

She was taken aback. He wants me to go with him. "You - you are asking me to come with you?"

"Yes. Only if it's fine with you, of course."

"Yes! Yes!" She couldn't help but grin.

"Right," he said. "We kinda need to go quick. Is there an auto, nearby?"

In five minutes, the two caught an auto somehow and were going to a nearby club. It was a famous one, where most of the youth of the city hung out. Ayesha went there tons of times.

"So why are we going there?" she asked.

"You remember the Nihal I told you about?"

"Yeah, your best friend."

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