The Next Day

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Rahul Lohiya

I look at her usual place, and as expected it is empty.

Ayesha skipped college and is probably sleeping right now. Well if I was in her place so would I. But I'm used to this, she isn't. Though I expected it, I still hoped she would come. I want to see her face.

And also know if all the feelings are real or they just vanished along with the night.

I look at my watch. 9:28 am. Two minutes left for class to start. I quickly pull out my phone and type her a message.

Aren't you coming? Are you asleep?

I want to wait for her reply and keep staring at my phone, but just then the Professor entered the class. Sighing, I give my phone one last hopeful look but then decide to just give up and concentrate on class instead.


I never expected that we would become friends, leave lovers. She looks pretty and all but I seriously thought she lacked a spark in her somehow. Since day one I noticed her but never took notice of her.

When Anuj had told me Ayesha's name, I always kind of though I would definitely talk to her one day. But one day became two. Two became four. Four became a week. A week became three. Three weeks turned to months. I still, at times, used to look at her and wonder why did I even think I would talk to her sometime when she doesn't even know I exist. But apparently I was wrong because Ayesha Raizada knew of my existance and also wanted to talk to me at times but didn't.

So then why did I approach her on the bench?

I don't know it myself.

Maybe it was because of the sudden urge to talk to her once and get over it. I do admit, I was really surprised when I saw her sitting alone on the bench when it was dark. And even more when I learnt her reason.

Talking to her, I felt like I saw a different person. She wasn't exactly how I potrayed her to be. She was sweet, nice, a little stubborn and annoying yes, but not bad at all. I just started talking to give her some company on the bench. But before I knew it, I realized I actually enjoyed talking to her and found myself wanting to speak and listen more.

I realized I didn't want the night to end.

But as all good times and good things, the night had to end. I didn't want us to. Hence, I kissed her. I kissed her to express, to relay my feelings to her. I was hoping to be an open book in front of her because I didn't want to lose her. Of course there was a huge fear of rejection. We just met a couple of hours ago! So just imagine my joy when she confessed her feelings first.

One class ended and so did the second one and before I know it, it is time for lunch.

As usual Anuj and another friend Omar waited for me by the canteen. We are looking for a place to sit down when I hear a familiar voice.

"Rahul! Anuj! Omar! Here!"

It is Vihaan. If Anuj and Omar found it wierd that he was calling us over to his gang they didn't say anything. Maybe because Anuj and Vihaan actually spoke to each other.

Vihaan greets us warmly. Though his gang members were a little surprised by his actions, they still speak to us very nicely.

Surprisingly, Vihaan speaks mostly to me. Anuj and Ria are speaking to each other and Omar and others are chatting. Though he doesn't mention the previous night, it is obvious to me that Vihaan and I are going to be friends from now on. In between lunch, I check my phone. No reply from Ayesha. Though I don't want to ask I still do.

"Uh, is Ayesha not coming?" I slowly ask Vihaan.

He shrugs, with a small knowing smirk on his face. "I don't think so. She isn't responding to Ria's calls or messaged so maybe not."

I sigh out of relief. I do admit I got a little worried when she wasn't responding to my messages. I... feared she realized she actually doesn't have feelings for me. But now that I know she isn't responding to anyone, I'm pretty sure she must be sleeping.

When only ten minutes are left for lunch and almost everyone was close to finishing their food, it happens. Ayesha enters the canteen.

My eyes immedietly spot her and I smile. It is kind of obvious she had woken up and took a rush shower probably an hour ago. She still looks a little dazed.

She spots her gang and starts walking towards it. I could be imagining it, but I feel she smiled brighter when she has seen me.

"Hey guys."

And then she does something that I never expected her to. She sits between Vihaan and I.

"Hey Rahul, sorry I didn't reply to your message," she says.

She doesn't notice the surprised look on the rest of gang's (and Omar and Anuj) faces, but she squints at me and points an accusing finger at me. "Wait. Why the hell don't you looks sleepy at all?! Only I have dark circles? It's not fair!"

To everyone's one more surprise, Vihaan laughs at it. "He's more awesome than you, that's why." I give him a high-five.

She pokes him. "Hey you've been my friend for a longer time. Don't go supporting or defending him, okay?"

He does a sarcastic bow. "Sorry, madame."

I chuckle.

"Wait, you both are friends?" They point at Ayesha and I.

I expected her to blush, or hesitate, or feel a little flustered or something. But instead, without any hesitation, she slings her arm into arm surprising each and everyone on the table (including me, I admit).

"Of course," she starts, "Rahul is my boyfriend."

No one says anything but instead stares at us, wide eyed. And that's when the bell rings. Everyone comes out of their daze and they do what annoys me the most - hooting.

They start teasing me and her and - of course - start asking tons of questions. It bothers me a little but Ayesha is unfazed. In fact, she starts joking around saying 'No comments' like she's a celebrity and her gang is paparazzi. All our friends end up playing along happily.

I hear a lot of congratulations and before we go into class I pull her arm.

The others have gone into the class and I just want to speak to her. No one is in the corridor, so I just pull her into a tight hug. Smiling, she hugs me back.

"I missed you," I say.

"Me too. I thought of skipping, but just five minutes after I woke up I wanted to see your face." She slowly unlatched from the hug. She hold my face with her soft hands and smiles. "Let me."

And she stares.

After about ten seconds, I couldn't control myself and the next second my lips are on hers.

The kiss is slow, soft, but a little shorter than I like. Grinning, our forheads are touching.

"Time for class," I say, a little annoyed by the fact.

"Don't worry," she answers, "we got all the time from now on."

Holding hands, we both then enter the classroom.


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