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Generally, people aren't fond of a certain feeling.

The feeling right before you're going to do something big or great or scary. Or something like you know you are about to be caught. Or when a person is chasing you, and you're running really hard but you can feel that guy is catching up. Basically, that deep, dark pit feeling in our stomach that threatenes us to throw up any moment.

That's exactly the same feeling Ayesha was feeling right now, as she saw the policeman asking Rahul for his and her details.

If my parents know about this, she thought, I'm dead meat for sure.

She could even imagine what both her parents would say.

We locked you out a night to teach you a lesson, not for you to go run away with a boy and humiliate us by a policeman. Her Mother would say that.

Are you crazy? How can you go out daringly with a guy that too at late night, do you have any idea how dangerous that is? Her father, for sure.

She was literally trembling.

Rahul noticed it, and held her hand and pressed it discreetly. She tried finding comfort from his hand, but couldn't. She was in deep trouble for sure.

One hour earlier...

"Can we walk?" asked Rahul. "My legs are tired from sitting on the bench."

Ayesha shrugged. She didn't mind walking.

While walking, the two didn't speak much. In fact, they didn't speak at all. They calmly kept walking amd Ayesha realized it was the route to their colony. To be honest, she didn't understand how they would reach home. It was too far to walk, and not one auto was in sight.

That got her a little worried.

"How are we going to reach home?" she asked him. "I can't find even an auto."

He shrugged, and for the first time, he looked a bit lost. She could see that he was tensed for her, more than himself. Well, she reminded herself, he has no where to go to.

"Hey," he pointed to a house on the way. It was yellow, two floored building, with a little too many windows. It wasn't flawless, but it looked homely and warm.

"Nice house," she said.

"That's my old house, you know."

"Really?" She was surprised. "Why did you leave it?"

"We didn't leave it. It's still our house. We just moved to a... less suspecting place."


"Well, the neighbours were close to throwing stones on our windows... I mean there is only so much of fighting and yelling of my parents they could handle. They had enough of the noise, I guess."

Though Ayesha was walking clamly, inside her heart was racing. This was the first time Rahul opened up about his life at home.

"So... you did, too?" she asked. "I mean you had enough?"

"Who wouldn't? Everyone is fed up of their fights yet they aren't."

Ayesha doesn't know why she did it, but she held his hand.

He was a little surprised, but then he held it tighter.

Generally, Ayesha would've felt weird and maybe a little grossed out when she held hands with people other than her parents and best friend. But for some reason, she didn't when she eas holding hands with Rahul. She didn't feel like pulling it away or find herself wishing he would leave it... in fact, she felt the opposite. It's... actually nice.

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