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Three years later


So here we are the day before graduation. Everything has been great. I have only had to do the first job and I am so glad. I'm not sure when that day will come but I'm sure at some time soon my luck will run out. I know the job like the back of my hand now and I have grown to like it. Mike pays me 25 bands a week for it so I lied I love it. Things have went smooth for Tasha too. She's in the 9th now, in great health and growing up so fast. Things couldn't have went any smoother for us. I have not wanted anything more but to graduate and look I'm doing it. I got my license. I have my own car now. I never expected it to be this simple. Especially with dealing with a drug dealer. I hate to say it but it's easy money. That's just how it seemed. Now what's next for me. I'm not sure if I wanna go to college straight out of high school. I think I just want to chill for a second then go. High school was draining for me. I guess I'm going to just relax for now and hold Tasha down for a while. In this situation I was thinking with a things got worse before it got better mind. So to me this was my better. I could have never been more wrong in my life. Stuff was about to get real crazy. Bombs was about to drop everywhere. This was a case of the calm before the storm. I was to wrapped up in the life to even see that it was right around the corner.


It's been so quiet lately and living with my sister is draining me. I have been thinking about why I can't be like other kids and go out and have fun. I have to stay home all of the time unless I'm in school. Aurine says that it's not safe and I should keep a low profile but why? She won't say. I have gave her my trust and I feel like this has something to do with her not being able to trust me. That upsets me. I have lived by her words for to long. I'm getting older now and she has to let me live. I'm going to talk to her about it. She can't hold me hostage that's not right. TEXT MESSAGES- TO ARY: Hey where are you we need to talk.
To Tasha: Alright at the market what's up
To Ary: Talk to you when you get home.
To Tasha: okay


While on my visit to the market I got a text from Tasha. She said we need to talk. I wonder what about I thought everything was fine. So I have no clue as to what it is she wants. I was done within a matter of minutes. I hate to waste time. I pulled up to the house got out and when I walked in Tasha was sitting at the table. I put the bags down sat down and said what's up? "I'm not gonna hold you up Ary I'm tired of sitting in this house I wanna have fun. I'm young I still have a life to live and you holding me hostage is wasting it." Huh here we go I know you want to go out and be with your dust mop head friends but I can't let you do that. I'm trying to protect you! Don't you understand? "No I don't why don't you explain it to me." I can't you just have to trust me I have always kept what's best for you in mind. You know that. "I do but if you can't tell me why then I'm just lead to believe that it's because you don't trust me." What! I do trust you I just dont want you to get hurt. "By who Ary? Who in the world wants to hurt me? Nobody this has something to do with you being over protective." I'm not I swear. "Then why can't you answer my question?" Because I refuse for your life to be tangled up with mine and that be the reason why you end up killed. "I thought I was your best friend Ary? Now you hiding stuff from me? You use to tell me everything. Now I don't even recognize you." You are my best friend and that's why I care so much. If you start not listening now it's going to get you hurt just like the last time. "No we are away from that. We don't live in that world anymore we are just fine." No we are not just chill man. This is not the right time for you to be trying to call the shots. "So when will it be?" I'm not exactly sure but if you just hold on "Save it Ary! I'm not holding on any longer this is my life and I'm calling the shots you are not Ma." Oh my goodness she made me so mad. She pushed me right into that girl. I was somebody different at this point I don't even care. She wanna let her emotions get the best out of her instead of understanding the big picture. Then I will let her. Who I am now will have to fade away before the effects of me letting my baby sister walk out that front door even kick in. Hours passed it was getting dark and still no Tasha I was calm now and regretted even letting her walk away. My instincts started to kick in though. She has a friend from school that she's really close to her name is Dalia. If I know her like I think I do that's where she will go. With the one person she trusts other than me. I'm going to text her. To Dalila: Hey is Tasha with you?
To Ary: yeah she's here
To Dalila: is she OK
To Ary: she's fine. She says that she's staying not sure for how long but she just needs a little air and space. I have your number saved I will keep an eye on her and call if I need you. My mom is here too. Don't worry she's gonna come out of this funk.
To Dalila: OK thanks
I can't let this slow me down tomorrow is my day and I need to be prepared. About 2 hours after talking to Dalila. I had gotten everything together for the ceremony and now I was falling asleep. Until I got one more text I assumed it was Dalila but the tone didn't come from my personal phone. It came from the business phone. So I got up to see what Mike needed this late. When I picked it up the phone read it's time in big bold letters. Man! I started breathing like I had hyperventilation problems. There's no time for panic attacks. I told myself we gotta move. I got dressed and headed towards the door. I was so nervous that I could have threw up. I knew that I needed to get my self together fast this is not what a thug looked like. By the time we got to the building everything played out just like Mike said it would. When I was escorted to the chair their was a women sitting there. I kicked her leg she immediately woke up screaming. I look at the guards they stared blankly with their arms folded without saying a word. They were no help unless I was being harmed. Her screams were burning my ears now. I grabbed her shoulder and told her that she needed to relax. She just started screaming louder. I snapped. I spotted a fire extinguisher on the wall. I wanted to hit her with it to make her shut up but I knew that she might black out from it. So I sprayed her instead. Shut! up! Please! Man! She immediately shut up. Now we might be able to get some where. What does he need to know? "Who is he?" Don't play stupid. I'm not asking again. The room grew quiet okay you wanna play hard ball. I got you. I took the gun from out of my jumper pocket cocked it back and raised it to her. If you don't tell me I'm gonna kill you. "Your gonna kill me any way so go head I'm not saying a word." She's right if I shoot her she's no good for information. I gotta find another way. So immediately Mikes words played in my head if you don't kill you will be killed. I went over to the girl and said I can help you if you give me the information I will set you free. "stop lying" I'm serious aye give me the key to the cuffs. The guard was a little hesitant and gave me the eye but I gave him one of my own that was far more vicious and he handed them right over. I will unlock your hands and when you give me the information I will unlock your feet deal. She looked as though she was trying to read me. Then she shook her head and agreed so I unlocked her hands just like I said I would. Your turn I said. "OK he needs to know that I was hired by a guy named Marcus to kill him. I don't know Marcus or what he wants from him. I was called in for a favor that I owed to a friend. I'm sure when you tell him the name something will pop up and he will know why. Thank you I said and I began to unlock her feet. She smiled so hard and thanked me. The body guards were looking at me like I was crazy but they are not suppose to move one inch unless my life was in danger and they do as their told or they die. Once she was completely out she sprinted to find the exit. I aimed at her head and pulled the trigger down she went. I checked her for a palse there was not one. I put my gun in my pocket and at that moment I felt like a killer. I was proud. That was not a good sign. Something tells me that it won't be so hard the next time. I started to walk to the car the body guards followed I got close to the door then faced them. The next time you don't trust me the bullet will be in you. I was that girl at this point. I had all of the power and I loved the feeling. After that I was escorted to the car and took home. When I arrived I changed clothes and fell fast asleep. I had things to attend to that morning and I wasn't going to let anything stop me.


I was awakened by rings that morning. I hopped up to see who it was the phone read unknown. "Hello" I heard the lady say. Ummm who is this? The phone grew silent. hello? There was nothing and then it hung up. Well that was weird. I thought nothing of it I put the phone down and went back to sleep.


It's graduation morning! I am so excited and very very anxious to be done with high school. Part of me feels missing though,Without my sister but that's a L I'm ready to take. I was escorted by Mike today. We have grown very close over the last few years. He's like a big brother to me. I trust him.


Where's Tasha? "I don't know." Did you try calling? "No" well why not? "She wants me to leave her alone." She said that? "No not exactly." Then why do you feel like that? "I just do man." Man family is important and I don't wanna be telling you how to do stuff and all but y'all need to talk. "No we don't! The same stuff applies to her. We all we got and she too busy caught up in her emotions to understand." She ain't the only one I see caught up in their feelings. "Man shut up! I'm good. If she doesn't want to be here I'm not going to force her. Now can we be done with this conversation." Yep. "I have a much better one since we are alone and you just feel the need to wanna talk. That information you wanted me to get last night." Oh yeah talk to me. "A dude named Marcus hired her to smoke you."


As soon as I said the name his eyes grew big. He bawled his hands into a tight fist, bit his lip and shook his head. I stared at him for a second. I quickly caught on. I gave him a minute to get his self together before I asked my next question. It was clear that the two had deep beef. Mike who is Marcus? He rubbed his head then said okay listen, you go and do your thing. I will meet you at your crib and tell you everything. Wait so you won't be here? "Trust me I will be watching but at no point can we be seen together. I don't want anything to happen to you OK." Alright! At that moment I knew that I would be straight because no one knew that I messed with Mike. So I was good for now but apart of me felt like I wanted to be apart of this. I wanted to help. I got out, told Mike to be careful and walked away. The ceremony was beautiful. I was more than proud of my accomplishments. My mind wondered off though I had been wanting this but right now I couldn't want anything more but to be with Mike. I felt like he needed me so I got up to leave but before I could get out of the door some one was grabbing me. It was Tasha. "Where are you going?" I didn't know that you were here. "Why in the world would I Miss it?" I don't know because you were mad maybe! "Look your my sister and I love you. Mad or not, I wanted to be here." I got what I needed now I have somewhere to be. "Okay well I will be at Dalila's. I feel better there. Her mom said that I can stay as long as I like and I don't feel alone." I think that might be a good idea for now. I'm glad your doing better and I hope everything works out for you. "I hope the same for you. Why do I feel like this is a good bye?" You never know. It just might be but more like a see you later. I walked away like it didn't bother me at all that we were parting ways. My inside was crying saying make it right fix it, go back don't leave but being tough was my new exterior. I wasn't budging.


On the ride back to Dalila's I felt my phone vibrating. It read the same as last night unknown. I didn't pick up this time. I'm not about to keep answering and nobody's saying anything. Dalila's mom decided to take us out for lunch. We ate at the olive garden then we went back to the house.


Hey can we talk in my room? "Yeah! what's up!" I just wanted to kick it with you for a second. "Okay cool" So how did everything go with your sister today? "Not like I wanted it to but it is what it is." Don't say that! your sister loves you. "She's not acting like it." Come on now! Do you really think that? Or is that your emotions talking. I love you so I'm going to keep it 100 whether you like it or not. Stop being stupid and stubborn your sister is not much older than you but yet she takes care of you. Like full responsibility. She was our age when she was left with you. Can you take care of another person right now? No! you can't. Cut her some slack she had to grow up for you. You are so ungrateful. Now your waiting for her to fix this too I suppose. When are you gonna grow up and meet her half way? I'm sorry to be so blunt but I have to for you to understand. She's not obligated but she takes care of you any how. Have you ever thought that maybe she keep things from you to protect you? "She tells me that all the time." I'm not surprised look how your acting over petty stuff what makes you think your ready for some heavy news. You should be ashamed of yourself treating your sister like that have you lost your mind. You need to make this right. "Maybe she's right."

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