Bringing up the past

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I can't believe he did this to me. Who does he think he is, Mr. Hot Shot?

There's a paper cup lying on the side walk and I boot it really hard as I walk by. I know what your thinking...what did the cup ever do to me? Well i guess I should start at the beginning. Well maybe just a few hours ago I don't want to go into details about my birth or anything.

So my so-called boyfriend had told me he was busy at a family dinner and couldn't hang tonight. Which is perfectly fine and I understood. I said we could hang out tomorrow or on Sunday. So we were all fine and dandy in till I went to The Cellar and caught his tongue down some tranny bimbos throat! (Not that I have anything against tranny's).

I know I acted a little rash, considering I basically pulled the blond bimbo off of his face long enough for me to clock him in the nose. Yeah. That's how I roll. I think he got the memo that were over because if he didn't he's pretty stupid. So now here I am walking down one of the dirtiest, funnest, and most busy place in the city and i'm alone.

The girls I went to the club with knew that I wasn't in the mood to socialize and I didn't want to ruin their night so I left right after I said some pretty terrible things to Randal. Which is fine I don't mind being alone, all I need is my tunes and I'll be fine. 

buzz buzz buzz 

I grab my cellphone out of my jacket pocket seeing all the messages that are swamping in. Most of them are from Randal, I can't help but let out a scoff as I skim through them.

Randal:  You f****** b***** I can't believe you punched me in the face! I'm calling the cops.

Randal: Seriously i'm gonna get everyone in this city against you

Randal: Everyone's gonna hate you

Randal: baby I'm sorry...I know I was wrong I shouldn't have cheated on you

Randal: where are you I'll pick you up

Randal: Babe we need to talk this through.

I roll my eyes and lock my phone before putting it back into my pocket, talk? Yeah right. like I was going to give him another chance. 

"Hey lady!" I hear a mumble but my music is so loud I'm pretty sure it's just back up singers to the song I'm listening to. "Hey seriously!" that's when I feel a huge hand engulf my shoulder forcing me to face a tall guy who looks pissed. Normal girls would usually cower in the face of a dirty crack head who looks like he is about to eat you for break fast.  But that's just not who I was raised to be.

Standing my ground I look up at the guy "What do you want?" i ask with a little bite in my voice. The crack head let go of my shoulder immedietly but kept his ground, his nose almost touching mine.

He snarls his lip as he lifts a paper cup up to me "You should watch were you're kicking yoru garbage" He says as he throws it on the ground and stalks away. Shaking my head I start making my way back down the street not really sure where I'm going. Maybe I should go to the breakwater and cool down.

It's definitely needed, if that guy pushed one of my buttons I would have lashed out at him. Despite how tough most people think I am i know I can't take a 6' 4 guy who's obviously high. I wouldn't got beatent the shit out of so i guess I dodged a bullet there. And before you start judging me, fighting is just a way of living for me. Not a lot of love comes from the Belcourt household. Which is why me and Layton got a place together. Oh Layton is my best friend since birth by the way.

Speaking of Layton..... I quickly pull out my phone and speed dial him. A photo of me and him wearing Totoro beanies making silly faces pop up. A smile spreads across my face. Through and through he will always pick up on the third ring. "Hello" I hear his husky voice come through.

"Hey loser come pick me up i'm on main.".

"Be there in five" he says before hanging up.

In just a matter of minutes he's in front of me with his grungy gray van with a coy smile plastered on his face. "How much?"

I chuckle as I walk towards the passenger door opening it up "For you it'll be free. But only for tonight". I push his shoulder in a teasing manner.

"So whats up? Weren't you suppose to be with the girls tonight?". He starts driving down the road taking some side glances at me every once in a while.

I give him a reassuring smile "I just wasn't feeling it". I say before I add "What about you, what were you doing before you came and got me? Seemed like you were really close".

He goes into his pocket and grabs his pack of smokes taking one out for himself and one for me. I whip out my lighter before he can even ask me too. "Well actually I was at this broads house getting it on when you called". His words are a bit muffled as I light up his ciggarette 

I roll my eyes at him lighting my own smoke "Puuuhlease the most action you get is when you read spiderman".

A chuckle escapes his lips before he says "I got you that one time didn't I?"

***Okay so this is a short story I did because me and my friend were having a compettition on who could write more in 30 minutes. If you like this and want me to continue with it vote and comment please :3 If i get a good number of people who like this i'll write more for sure, I promise.

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