The Next Day

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"Ugggggggggh" I let out a small groan letting the world know how much pain I'm in. This would have to be one of the biggest down sides to drinking. I don't even want to open my eyes, my head is throbbing, I feel like puking, and to top it all off it's freezing! I pull my blankets more around me only letting a bit of my face show so I could breathe.

I hear a snicker "Aww is little Alize cold?" before I can do anything I feel arms wrap around my body. My eyes widen instantly as I start pushing Kipp off of me.

"Jerk! Get out of my bed!" I start hitting him furiously but no matter how hard I punch he still wont budge so I do what any reasonable person would do....I start pushing him with my legs. Which seems to work because he's slowly sliding off.

"Oh yer gonna get it" A evil look flashes over his brown eyes as he pounces me pinning me down by my wrists.

"Get off me!" My voice comes out squeakier than i intend it to which just makes his smile widen more. Kipp's hands are warm and strong, not like how I remember them from when we were kids. Well to be honest him half naked on top of me is completely different from how I remember him, or rather how I look at him because I barely even think of him as 'grown up' But he's only in his boxers and I can see every muscle in his body and the tattoos that cover his skin. I look at him with the most serious expression pushing these weird unwanted thoughts to the back of my mind.  "Kipp I swear to god I'll sack you". I say with my voice sounding stronger than it had a few seconds ago. 

He leans in closer "But ye wouldn't want to destroy the boys now would ya? That'd nip our chances of having children". I roll my eyes at him as I start to wiggle around trying my best to get out of his death grip. "Like I want your offspring" And that's when it happens....he lets go of one of my wrists and before I can even hit him he pokes my side.......fuck. "Oh ye don't want my offspring? We'll see about that" He chuckles as he starts tickling me more.

My body kind of twitches  under him "I hate you!" With my free hand I poke his hip. A giggle escapes his lips "Don't forget I know all your tickle spots" I threaten just hoping he'd stop poking my sides. God why did I have to be so damn ticklish?! And that's how this impossible situation started. It came from me kicking a horny Irish boy out of my bed into a all out tickle brawl. "I swear to god Kipp I'll kill you!" I say as he lets go of both my wrists so he could tickle both sides of my rib cage at the same time. A loud laugh echoes through my room as my body folds into it self "Kipp stop it!"

A playful grin spreads across his face "Yeah scream my name again". I shoot him a glare and anger fuels me enough to pin him down so I could tickle him. Sadly my victory is short lived because before i know it me and Kipp are tumbling off my bed onto the floor. Thankfully Kipp cushioned my fall "Ouch" he mutters as he grabs the back of his head.

My eyes widen "Are you okay?" I manage to say between giggles. He gives me big puppy eyes so I move closer to his head checking for any bumps and that's when I feel a 'bump'. If you want to get technical it is on his 'head' but that's all I need for me to shoot right up "You perv!" I say covering myself as much as I can. Sure I was wearing a large band shirt and men's pj bottoms...but for some reason I felt quite naked.

A slight blush appears on his cheeks and he can't look me in the eyes "" He runs a hand through his lazy mohawk. "Yer tits were in my face, couldn't help it". With that he gets up and heads for the door.  When he opens the door Layton is standing there as if he was just about to knock on the door. He looks between me and Kipp and without saying anything he just walks away as fast as he can. "Well that was awkward" Kipp breaks the silence before looking at me running and hand through his hair.

I roll my eyes at him and throw one of my pillows at him "Just get outta here man" I give him a small smile to show that I'm not mad at him or anything but he still needs to get his junk the hell away from me. With that he leaves and shuts the door behind him. Once I hear the door click I faceplant into my bed "UUUUGH". Though the tickle fight had distracted me for a short time...I was still pretty hungover.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2013 ⏰

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