To being single

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I stared at him blankly for a few seconds before I lightly smack his shoulder "We said we weren't going to talk about that ever again". I say as I lift my feet up onto the dashboard inhaling in my the smoke and blowing it out the window. How could he bring up that moment that shall never be spoken of? 

A husky chuckle escapes his lips and I'm not sure if it's because of the ciggarette hanging from his mouth or because he's being a smart ass. EIther way it sounds a little to attractive "Right my mistake creampuff". He takes a turn down towards Chinatown but doesn't take the turn towards our place.

I put my feet down and look at him confused "Dude where are we going?" The fact he called me my horrid nickname flies right over my head since there are bigger problems to worry about. Like where the hell we're going. 

"You let me worry about that".

I roll my eyes and lean back in my seat and look out the window "You know how I feel about surprises" I say.

He bites his bottom lip in a way that makes me pause. He gives me his most mischievious look in his arsonal "You.Love.Them.". He sounds out each word and gives me a wink before pulling up to a popular bar.

I scoff "You're taking me to a bar? Seriously?" 

His blue eyes land on my as he says "of course what else is a Irish man gonna do on a Friday?". DId I forget to add that he was from Ireland? So he has a thick accent since he wasn't born in Canada he just moved her when he was a kid but he never lost his accent.

I shake my head and get out of the van taking off my leather coat and throwing it on the seat before shutting my door. I walk around the van to the drivers seat "how do I look?" I ask putting myself on display. Showing off my green dress with black lace, the collar was heart shaped and showed off enough cleavage to grab attention but not enough for me to be called a whore. The dress ended a couple inches above my knees while the thin straps accented my slim shoulders.

Layton gives me a once over giving a simple nod before walking off towards the bar. See this is why I don't harbor intimate feelings for him, anymore. Okay okay I used to have a huge crush on him when we were kids...and when we were pre-teens...and possibly when I was sixteen. But that is behind me now, seriously. I'm not that pathetic I swear.

Still I follow him towards the bar like a little puppy. This bar is always packed and for some reason there is always a line to get in. Sort of like a club but since Layton's in a band and has 'connections' as he likes to call it we get in right away. 

 We get to the front of the line and the bouncer just gives us a quick nod before moving the rope so we can pass "There waiting for you inside". The bouncer says before were in the doors of the bar. A band is playing and people are buzzing around. It's loud, just the way I like it. Layton leads us to the very back to one of the secret rooms most people don't know about. That's were we see Bradly and his minions. "Layton my main man take a seat." He motions towards one of the many couches in the room. "Would you and your woman like a drink?". He offers.

Before I can say anything about being his woman Layton replies "Yeah get me a scotch on the rocks and get the lady a double long island ice tea". With that he puts his hand on the small of my back and guides me to one of the couches. When we sit down he leans towards me pretending that he's kissing my neck but he just whispers "Do your best not to say anything, we'll be outta here soon so just sit tight". His words flood over me and it takes every ounce of my strength to concentrate on the words instead of the fact he's breathe keeps tickling my ear. I nod in response.

"So Layton have you been thinking about my offer?" Bradly leans forward his green eyes curious and waiting. You can tell that this deal is pretty important considering Bradly keeps running his thick hands through the greasy mess he calls hair. 

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