thirty five

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there's this girl in my gc and i absolutely hate her but i pretend to like her 😂 she's just irritating and thinks her opinion matters no bitch your opinion is irrelevant


i literally freaked when i woke up to za, ryan, khalil and maejor all standing in my bedroom with congrats it's a girl and congrats it's a boy balloons. "what the hell are you doing?" i whisper yell. "pop the balloons or suck the helium or some shit!"

"you're the one that said-"

"there's a possibility! i didn't say she was!" i cut khalil off, slowly moving from under audrey. "did my mom see this?"

"yeah, she was laughing." ryan starts laughing. "she took a picture of us."

"get rid off the balloo-"

"justin..." audrey groaned from the bed, me acting fast and pushing them all into the hallway. "who was that?"

"the boys." i say. "they came to see if you're okay."

she just nods, and grabs my hand. "can you bring me some soup, please?"

"sure, princess." i lean down and kissed her forehead which is very hot. that made me doubt she was pregnant and she really is sick with the flu or something. when i walked out, the balloons were floating in the hallway, so i grabbed them and shoved them into the nearest closet. "i hate all of you."

"you love us." ryan speaks. "we're just being your best friends."

"god, you're irritating."

i was confused as to why maejor was here but i didn't question it. as long as everything was left in the past. mom started heating up the soup at my request, then i got a text.

audrey: im horny come up here now

justin: you're sick wtf 😂

justin: you need sex therapy

audrey: it's your fault bitch

audrey: it's your fault bitch

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justin: you're sick 🙄

audrey: ok and get up here and touch me

"you better get up there." a deep voice whispered into my ear, by reflex, me smacking them. ryan held his face, the rest of them laughing. "i hope your balls fall off."

"i hope they do too." he mocks. "and again, rizzletin gets offered ass and is turning it down."

"she is sick!"

"so what?" za shrugs.

"disgusting rats." i shake my head, and grabbed her soup. when i got upstairs, she was laying there, groaning loudly. "what are you doing?"

"i hate being sick, im bored." she frowns. "tell the boys to get up here. im calling avery."

when i gave her her soup, i texted za then moments later they came up. avery said she's on her way. "rizzletin, shaking my head at you." ryan said as soon as he got up here.

i punched his arm only to be punched in the chest. "turn the xbox on, i wanna beat justin's ass in two k." khalil speaks, grabbing a controller and sitting next to audrey on the bed. "bet i win."

"i'm not betting because you're going to win." audrey says.

"you're so supportive of your boyfriend, thanks." i roll my eyes, and audrey smiles.

"i'd kiss you if i could."

"kiss him!" ryan yells from behind me. "ugly rat."

"says you, bitch." i roll my eyes, grabbing the other controller. i lay between audrey's legs, my head on her stomach. "we're betting."

"i want your yeezys, we're betting on your yeezeys." khalil says, and i shrug.

"like i can't buy more." i roll my eyes.

"okay you rich white twat." he flicks my ear, audrey laughing. "im taking that lamp too."

"why the lamp?" maejor laughs. that was so fucking random.

"he thinks it's irrelevant now, but watch, he's gonna need it one day." khalil points out.

"he's blowed." audrey mumbles, causing me to laugh. "if justin wins, what does he get?"

"a pat on the back."


a filler bc my wifi back on and im about to start making vine edits again :)

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heartbreaker - j.b.[discontinued for the time being] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora