Shits Bout to Get Real;

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Blazes POV ;

"Am I Suspended?"

"No. A suspension is more of a reward than a punishment for you, Ms Pierce."

I almost burst out laughing, oh you know me so well Mr Davis.

"You have a weeks worth of detention. If you decide not to turn up, we will be adding an extra week. You may leave, schools over"

I shot up out of my chair. About time? I mean come on, some of us have things to do places to be?

Number one on my to-do list, GET BACK STEVE.

There is no way in hell I, Blaze Pierce am leaving here without Steve.

How am i gonna pull this off? Well, I've got a few ideas.

I waited in the park across the street until the last teacher had left the building.

Now commence Operation Save Steven. (Yes I am 100% serious)

Reece POV;

"Reece said im using the blue spray cans this week ya dumbass!" Montel whisper yelled at his twin brother, Montez looked his brother up and down then swiftly walked away making the sack of gear he was carrying over his shoulder hit Montel in the face

"I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person" he said in a snotty british accent

"Shhh! Shut the fck up ya dip shiets!" Ricky whispered to them, we walked to the entrance of the school and stopped in front of the big red doors

"Keoni! Do your thing" i whispered, Keoni nodded and came forward holding Jax's credit card and sliding it through the door causing it to unlock and give us full access to this school, we looked around for a bit then stopped in the hallway leading to the main office

"Well... Lets do this!" We all went our separate ways, the twins with the spray cans, Keoni with the toilet paper and me and Ricky with sledge hammers, if only we had some theme music... AH FCK IT! We ran down the hallway smashing and ruining things along the way... Cant remember the last time we vandalized anything, feels good, Hello Bastion High, names Reece.

Blazes POV ;

"Don't worry Steve, Mommys coming!" I yelled.

I ran towards the entrance only to find it open? Weird.

What. The. Fck.

The halls were draped with TP, lockers were smashed then something caught my eye. I couldn't help but notice the shitty spray painting "Whoever spray painted needs serious lessons" I muttered under my breath.

Focus Blaze! Just get Steve and get your ass out of here!

I sprinted towards Mr Samuels' class, throwing the doors open seeing my beloved Steve.

"STEEEEEEEVE!" I squealed.

I broke out into a happy dance, feeling so boss.

"I should do something about the people?" Yeah, no.

After a good 3 minutes of happy dancing i made my way back only to see a group of guys.

Shit. Now how the fck am I gonna get out of here?

I turned back into the classroom, the window it is.

I ninja jumped onto the chair in front of the window, slowly lifting myself up I managed to get my upper body out the window. I tried to "shimmy" my way out, only to knock over the fcking chair!

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