Dear School, I hate You

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Chapter One:

*Flash back*

Red. It was all I saw...

The house slightly glowed in a florescent orange border, while being attacked viciously by angry flames wiping out the burning house. I only dreamnt to imagine such a sight, seeing ghosts in the red sparks that could have been morphed to be fire. The house had reached its point, as the crest of the burning residue chained into a bigger burning fire. It was a horrible site. It was as if all of the house's love was burning into a pandemonium of flames. The fire finally outlined what seemed to be the remnant of the house, and before a flash the fire had vanished. What was left of the 'house' was a disturbing sight. I was panicking like there was no tomorrow, which seemed to have had an impact on the flames as they grew bigger and bigger leaving me trapped in this hell hole....

I am in a heavy black cloud. Nothing to see. Nothing to hear. Just this heaviness in my whole body. So heavy that I cant move. I can't remember how to open my eyes. Then I start to hear noises. The buzz of machines. Clicking of feet near me. Quiet talking. I lie still. I strain to hear and makes sense of it all. No idea. Where am I and why? Next I feel some light shining on my closed eyes - a pink glow. I struggle to open them. Success. I am in a bright white place. Someone is bending over me. He says my name. And again. I try to remember how to talk. No words come, but I blink hard. Again he calls me. Again I try to answer. Suddenly I clear my throat. I think I am about to shout. But all that comes out is a tiny whisper 'What happened?".

*Flashback Over*

*Blaze's POV

I shot up ou of bed panting , another nightmare .

Seriously ? ths sht was getting odd as fck , it felt so realistic , th fire & all ? I really need to get my head checked .

I groaned getting ou of bed and decided to read over th latest info i got in my burnbook (yes , i have a burn book dont judge me besides some of these stuck up snobs need to know their place)

I feel like im forgetting something ? SHIT .

Its monday . I looked at the clock , 8.45 .

Schs already started . FML . owell ? since im gnna be late i might aswell take my time ? makes sense .

After doing my daily routine i dressed up into and made my way to th HELLHOLE also known as Bastion High ?

After making multiple stops (dont look at me like that)

I mean come on , how could you jus walk past starbucks and not go in ?

Then i decided to check ou a new cafe , why not ? i mean im jus missing first period and probably most of second period ?

No biggie ? Its jus science anyways ? and its not like Richard (Mr Samuels) would be happy to see me so i actually did him a favor ?

Anywhore , walking down th halls i saw a bunch of fake cake faced whores standing ouside th girls bathroom , i mean i didnt think it would be possible but it seems like barbie and a run over clown had a baby ; woooooop , there it is , they jus took ugly to a whole nother level . Once i got closer they eyed me ou , is ths bitch serious ? think im gnna take ths sht ? nope , think again . "What th fck are you staring at? Take a picture , it lasts longer" i yell gesturing to myself, they whisper a few things before walking off. Thas right bitches , know your roll .

I walked into science with 15 mins left in the period only to have Mr Samuels lecture me about being late , again . CARE !

Aint nobdy got time fo ths sht ; i mean he already banned me from doing any experiments , something abou blowing sht up ? yeah ? well , when i get ou of ths shthole i will blow up your precious science department - like a boss .

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