A Figment Of My Imagination ~Niall imagine~ NO LONGER EDITING

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So I just finished high school and I'm about to go on to college. I still want to be a writer.

I hope I get to write a book, make a movie see my work come to life.

Until then I will continue with my smut.... That being said here is some Irish boy smut.



Dreams are nothing but what we make of them right?... Why do mine always make me wake up in a sweat. I can never remember them but I do remember never being in them long enough to finish them. My heart beating hard in my chest, a thin sheen of sweat glistening on my skin and a warm wet pool between my thighs were always discovered upon my waking.

I whined, falling back into my bed, ecstatic that I finally had my own place. My fingers slipped beneath the thin and soaked fabric of my underwear and I felt at ease when my fingers rubbed in slow circles, causing my eyes to close and my body to tremble.

"Please" I gasped out, my thighs tightening around my fingers and my toes curling at the quick movements of my fingers. I whined, whimpered and cried out, begging to be relieved. To my surprise the warm present feeling in my abdomen was brought out of me quickly, shaking and panting after experiencing a fast chased orgasm.


"Don't you look disoriented" Jamie giggled at me. I sighed shaking my head and drinking a large gulp of coffee.

"Why are you always so tired? You never used to be" she wondered out loud. My mind wondered the same thing, why was I so effected by these dreams?

"Jamie if I tell you something you promise not to blow it out of proportion?" I asked quietly.

"What do you mean?" She whispered.

"I think I've been having sex dreams" I mumbled lowly, blushing as Jamie's mouth opened wide.

"With who?" She asked quickly, getting closer to me in her seat at the coffee shop we were in.

"I don't know, all I ever remember is waking up all sweaty and needing to get off" I whispered, blushing slightly as a woman sitting behind me scoffed and left the little shop.

"So you're having sex dreams with a dream guy and have no idea who it is?" She asks to confirm. I nod and wait desperately for her opinion on the matter.

"What if you're like really into that Christian Grey  stuff and it's really just him you're envisioning?" I sighed, laughing and shaking my head.

"Jamie I love you, but sometimes you say the strangest things."


"Princess please I need you" his warm voice beckons me, and I comply. I couldn't say no, he had me so tightly in his hold. I knew he was real this all felt too real to just be a fantasy.

"Why won't you tell me your name?" I whined as he continued kissing at my neck and palming at my center.

"It's too dangerous for us to be together in the real world, that's why I come to you in dreams" he mumbled.

"But I never remember you. I forget, I just want to remember, I try so hard every time and it never works"

"Cause I make you forget darling, if you saw me in the streets you'd get hurt" I fell under his spell like so many other nights. His hands rushing over my body and his lips doing everything and anything to kiss and touch every part of my body. I was falling for him and I didn't even know he existed when I was awake. He was my dream get away, he could take me places I'd never been before.

"Why can't I remember you?" I whispered quietly, my eyes watering at the realization that this wasn't real, he wasn't here or touching me, not really anyway.

"I can't keep doing this, I wake up not remembering anything and when I'm here I remember" I sob, covering my chest with my knees and my face with my hands.

"I'm not normal, y/n, I'm something you couldn't comprehend. It's even hard for me to understand it sometimes"

"Why is it so dangerous for me to love you?"


I sat up in the dark night, my body covered in a thin sheen of sweat and I could feel my heart, it wasn't as erratic as it normally was but it hurt. I felt somewhat empty and like something was missing. My eyes found the clock on my nightstand finding that it was too early in the morning even for me. I had fallen back asleep for another few hours and surprisingly woke up normally for the first time in what felt like months. I walked out to my living room sitting down on my sofa and grabbing a blanket along with the control. I clicked on the t.v. Watching the news silently until I heard something shuffling in my kitchen my eyes widened when I heard a low growl, a heavy breath from something making me shudder in fear. I was dreaming this was a nightmare, it's not real.

"Not real" I whispered to myself in a whimper as I heard a more prominent growl and a heavy puff of air blew my hair to my face. I had one of two choices; scream, or run. Screaming never helped anyone. I set my feet down, gripping onto my blanket tightly and in one quick second I flung it off and behind me as I ran off to my room, the loud bark and growl that followed me scared the shit out of me and made me scream my head off, rushing to shut the door with tear stained cheeks

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