Klutz ~ Harry One Shot~ NO LONGER EDITING

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I'm shit at everything. sorry I don't update much!! :,(
Been thinking about trying Patreon to see if I could maybe make some money writing

Maybe I should give up?
Idk I hope you guys enjoy this one

Hearing negative comments was something she'd become accustomed to. Things would move around so it seemed, causing her to trip or fall over and her family and friends always laughed at her repeating the same words.

"You're a clumsy little burden"

It was true y/n was always messing something up, falling over a shoe and breaking a table or maybe knocking over a flower vase or picture frame. It was just bad timing, always bad timing. In her day to day life it was always wake up get ready, trip over a few things go to work trip some more and come home. Going out was a mission to be planned and calculated. When grocery shopping she had to make sure to steer clear of the cooking utensils because once on a trip she had nearly killed a man because as she was observing a small pack of two to three knives a pan fell off the hanger and she stumbled back some and tripped over a young girls shoe which made the knives fly out of her hands and what happened next y/n doesn't like remembering.

"Hey sweetheart what's going on with you today?" Julienne was a sweet co-worker and good friend to y/n always encouraging and never letting her stay inside for too long.

"I tripped over zeke this morning, he yowled out the meanest hiss I've ever heard, makes me worry he won't come back for food" Zeke was a black cat who roamed y/n's neighborhood and was mostly only fed by her, she didn't want to restrict him and make him hers against his will he was a street cat by nature. Besides she always had Nemo her lovely little beagle.

"Don't worry he'll come for the food he always does. Did you hear that Mr. Styles has his friend from that one law firm here today? Right cutie he is, makes me believe that the handsome ones are always assholes" y/n smiled at Julienne, accepting the office gossip.

Meeting Mr. Styles for the first time was embarrassing as well, when she first walked in the bottom of her skirt got caught on a rather sharp corner of a side table he had, and it made y/n bite on her lip in pain as it both cut and ripped her skirt, by the end of the interview she was a bleeding mess not realizing how much blood had dribbled down her thigh and it had freaked out Mr. Styles, he had picked her up and taken her to the bathroom in his office.

"Why didn't you say somethin'!?" He scolded.

"I didn't want to make a bad impression" she spoke softly. "M'a right klutz and I really need this job" she sighed, it had been a hard day of job hunting and y/n was at her wits end.

"Been out all day and I miss my bed and my dog Nemo bit me last night for stepping on his tail and I've been walking in these damn heels for hours and been cat called so many damn times and even groaped on by one of my interviewers who got a punch to the face and it hurt my hand a-and..." y/n grew quiet in realization that this was the worst interview of her life. She was crying and sniveling, knuckling at her eyes, her mascara was probably running and when she looked down to where he was, the man who was the boss of a company and ran an office work space was sat there carefully cleaning up her wound and the dried blood even took off her heels for her and she hadn't realized it at all.

"Go on, m'listening" he encouraged quietly.

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't be telling you this I don't mean to ramble it's just sometimes it gets so hard to just breathe and live and I don't even know how to cope sometimes it get so bad I'm a panicked mess in a heap of blankets on my bed and-and I'm doing it again..." she scolded herself, he was just so easy to be with, his hands were warm and nice on her thigh, wrapping some gauze around her wound. After taping it in place with some paper tape he soothes over it, his hands squeezing at her thigh and when he gets a gasp from her he stands up, to see her in her teary eyed state and he caresses her cheek watching as she snivels while leaning into his touch and hiccuping. His lips find hers in a soft manner and she welcomes it, opening her mouth for his wandering tongue and it felt so nice to kiss him and feel him between her legs. When they pull away for a breath -which y/n didn't know she needed- he goes to kiss at her damp neck, salty tears on his tongue and Mr. Styles can't help himself when he bites and sucks on it. A soft moan leaving her breathless pink lips as he got closer to her, small needy hands going to his hair, one at his chest most likely wrinkling his shirt and the other pleading him to stay where he is. Mr. Styles had placed his own rather large hands at her sides, holding himself back in a way. When he leaves y/n's neck with a soft smack she whines as he licks over the dark mark on her and blows softly on it after.

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