Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Just as I was drifting to sleep after studying for a good portion of the night, my eyes started to lightly flutter shut, before the alarm pounded me awake again. I dragged out of the bed I had just became well acquainted with and back into reality. I had another day full of exams and having to be around the idiots at the school. After a quick dressing of myself, I woke up marcel and started to fix my hair up. "What day is it?" marcel asked, half asleep in his raspy voice that sounded like a half normal human being. "The final day of finally done finals" "thank god" he replied, jumping out of bed. He put on another one of his professional get ups, but this one, I actually thought looked pretty cool. Just a black blazer, with black trousers to match, a white dress shirt, and a tie. He looked fairly swanky. I, on the other hand, came rolling up into school wearing a sweater, scarf and jeans. Then again, marcel didn't have to go straight to work after class. "Mums picking you up today, right?" I asked as we were getting out of the car. "Yeah, I know your work schedule as well as you do" "then maybe you should just go for me" I smiled wide. "Eeeeeeh, no thanks" he joked. We both separated to head to our classes. On the way, I was abruptly stopped by Cass. "Hey Harry, you didn't answer any of my texts last night" she stared at me, head slightly tilted. Acassia was, for all intents and purposes, beautiful. No one could deny that. She was a pale white with a splash of pink in her cheeks with completely clear, flawless skin. She almost looked like one of those china dolls Gemma used to have. Her hair was wavy, not curly or straight, just sort of flowing, with dark red (natural) colour. But the one thing that made her so beautiful, was her eyes. She was born with a genetic defect called sectoral heterochromia, which she explains to strangers who tend to stare. It's hard not to. Her eyes are sapphire blue, with a thick ring around her pupil (very rare, even in sectoral heterochromia cases, to be as even and set as hers are), that is light blue. It was quite the sight to see. The combination of all of these things make her breath taking. But I would never do anything to hurt Marcel. "Sorry, I fell asleep" "oh, okay, I just wanted to know if you want to do anything this weekend" "Cass, we've been friends for quite some time now, yes?" "of course" "Im going to be honest with you, I can't because Marcel" "what about him?" "Do you not see it?" the confusion in her face was all too real. "I don't follow" "Acassia Howard, Marcel has been mad for you for close to a decade now and you're telling me you've never noticed?" "Marcel likes me" I threw my arms up into the air, half in aggravation, half in shock that she hadn't realized. She may have been beautiful, but she isn't the brightest red head. "Okay, I understand" her face sunk and she tried to sulk away, but I wouldn't let her pull her normal melodramatic act. "Get back over here" I called, and she did just as I said. "You're still my friend, but I won't do anything to hurt marcel. He's my brother and I love him. Don't get me wrong, you're very attractive," she smiled, like she always does when she gets complimented. "But I couldn't do it" "it's okay harry! im fine!" she snapped, walking away. I wish she weren't so stubborn sometimes. I just continued on to class. I saw Branson and his idiots glaring at me, but I didn't make much note of it. I took my seat in English. The one final I didn't have to study for. I want to be a writer when I grow up and write things that everyone would want to read and enjoy. I settled in my seat and began filling out the test answer sheet in front of me.

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