Accessories and Decorations

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When you go to the pet store and see all the cool decorations and plants, you can't help but want some. But there are some decorations you do not want to buy. So first I will talk about plastic plants. Plastic plants are often very sharp and can easily tear your bettas fins. That's why most people prefer silk plants. These torn fins can then lead to fin rot. Which lead to their fins and somethings in bad causes bodies to rotting away. So in order to tell if a certain plastic plant can go in your bettas tank you must do one of three things. First thing is the nylon test where you take some nylon and rub the plant against it. If the nylon breaks the plant it to sharp. Another step, which only more advance owners should try is feeling the plants softness. Basically you rub your hands against the plant looking and feeling for any sharp edges. This way can be unsuccessful that is why only more advanced owners should try it. Last thing you can try is trying the plastic plant on a pair of thin tights. This is like the nylon test except with tights. Now gravel. Gravel is very easy to get because all you need to do is buy a pound of gravel per gallon, wash it, then your set in stone. Next I am going to talk about some major things that you have to have in your bettas tanks. First major thing that every betta needs in their tank is a heater. Betta fish need heaters because they are tropical fish so without the they will get to cold. They will then become slow and not so active, lethargic and can possibly die. Another thing that is very important to have is something to move the water. Like a filter or a air pump. This is because when the water becomes to still it will become dirtier 10 times quicker. Also because with it will provide air. Just make sure your current isn't very strong because it can toss your betta around and disrupt them. That's the major things a betta needs in their tanks. Next chapter I am going to talk about water treatment and how to cycle a tank the easy way.

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