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WHEN ELIJAH AND Klaus found them, Colby was grateful to be free from the shackles

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WHEN ELIJAH AND Klaus found them, Colby was grateful to be free from the shackles. Rubbing her wrists, Colby turned her attention to Sophie, who was explaining what happened to the brothers.

"Agnes stuck me with a needle. Cursed objects were created a long time ago. We use them so we don't get busted by Marcel for doing magic. The one she used is called the Needle of Sorrows. It was cursed in 1860 when–" Klaus cut her off, leaning against the wall off the mausoleum.

"Jump ahead a few decades and tell us what it does, love?" Klaus demanded, and Sophie frowned, shifting uncomfortably.

"It has only one purpose: to kill a child in utero by raising her blood temperature." Klaus, Elijah and Colby all shared looks of shock and anger.

"It's for a miscarriage." Elijah said, voicing everyone's thoughts. Sophie nodded. "How much time do we have to fix this?" Sophie's face looked grim as she spoke.

"It will do what it's meant to by tonight's high tide. And believe me, it will work. I saw her use a similar object on a kid who went mad and killed a bunch of priests." Colby's mind flashed back to Sean, Camille's brother, who met his own terrible fate.

"I'd like to have a chat with this Agnes. Where can I find her?" Klaus asked, glaring at Sophie.

"You won't! There are a thousand places she could hole up to wait it out." Sophie exclaimed. Elijah narrowed his eyes dangerously at the witch.

"That's precisely why we need to unlink you from Hayley. No more danger toward her or the child." Elijah explained firmly. Sophie shook her head in confusion, almost offended.

"No, what? If I am not linked to Hayley, I lose my leverage on you. We had a deal!" Sophie shouted angrily. Elijah stepped towards her menacingly.

"We are not on the same side, Sophie Deveraux. Our deal no longer stands!" Elijah said angrily. Sophie stood there in anger, and Colby took the moment to step forward.

"Did you know?" Colby asked quietly, and Sophie's face turned to one of confusion.

"Did I know what?" The witch asked, and Colby frowned, her heart dropping.

"Did you know about Sabine's vision?" Colby asked. Klaus and Elijah shared a confused look as Sophie sighed.

"Sabine tried to tell me, but I wouldn't listen, not after the fiasco with the vision about the baby." Sophie looked at Colby, almost pleading. "If I had known what Agnes was going to try to do, Colby, I swear I would have done something. I would have tried to protect you, you have to believe me." Colby nodded in understanding as Elijah picked up the blade from the ground, noticing the drop of blood on the end before turning to Colby.

"What else happened here?" Elijah asked carefully. Colby had momentarily forgotten about the cut on her neck. It had stopped bleeding, but the drying blood was still visible.

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