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The year is 2994. You live on the eastern-most region of the united continent in the twenty-fifth greater city of her majesty's kingdom. Your name is Jace --not that it matters. Your identity means very little to the world and in this day and age. You are what they call a "mortal drone." You live for one purpose and one purpose only--for the High Queen's amusement.

It's been said that many centuries ago before the rule of the High Queen, people were free. Every man and woman was their own master or mistress, they were free to come and go along the roads and cities as they wanted. There was hope in the world and each man lived by the sweat of his brow, pursuing his own happiness.

Now, every man, woman, and child serves her-- the High Witch Queen, Vidia Hectate, the eternal sorceress. You, as a lowly slave, have never seen Vidia yourself. You have only seen the statue built at the center of your own city. You work the fields with your parents under the watchful eyes of the Immortal Drones and The Wretched. They keep order over the people, serve her and her alone without question, and by her power, they neither age, rot or die--not that The Wretched are alive to begin with.

The tales your parents have told you of a time before this and of freedom have always interested you. They speak of things you've never known, places you cannot even see in your dreams. You dream to explore the world beyond the walls of your city. You wish to cast off all of your your duties to the crown. You want to see the wide ocean, the tall mountains, the rolling fields, the endless desert. You want to see new fallen snow and the great ice glasiers.

Yet, it is only a fool's dream. Your parents would surely be killed if anyone who is loyal to the crown heard even a whisper of the stories they tell. It is considered treason to talk of a world beyond "the Utopia" or a time before "the age of peace," for such "lies" spread only discontent.    

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