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I haven't updated in AGES! i kinda miss complaining.

101. I complain about alot of these things and still do most of them myself

102. Just in case you diddnt already know Niall was irish let's put it in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 and every chapter after that just to make sure.

103. I nearly got raped! its a good thing Zayn was walking down that random alleyway at the exact same time to save me!

104. Age is just a number. yea, so is 999 you pedophile.

105. I know its England but its not ALWAYS raining here.

106. Popping the p. its unnecessary...

107. "I'm leaving you because you're fat." "Louis I'm 8 months pregnant!" "K. We can be together again now" Really? You can't be serious...

108. "Hey let's NOT go to Nandos today." said no fan fic, ever.

109.Harry flashed you a cheeky smile, a cheeky grin, a cheeky smirk, a cheeky look. WE GET IT OK? Find a new description.

110. "I dare you to kiss Liam on the mouth." naw, that's enough writing for you, it's nap time.

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