But You're Even Sweeter

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Lillith's P.O.V

"Well I bet you're even sweeter." A high pitched voice said behind me. So I whipped around to see a girl with a short dress and heavy makeup. (See dress below.) Ugh the most popular and powerful girl in the school.

"Stella, what are you doing here?" I popped up to face her

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"Stella, what are you doing here?" I popped up to face her. "Oh nothing, well just to check out this smoking hot guy here! Is it hot in here or is it just you handsome!" She pushed me out of the way and sat in my seat. "UGH! Get out Stella!" "No! Is he even your boyfriend? I haven't seen him around? Oh that's right your just a short stubby potato, who would never be able to get a boyfriend! Now where were we hot stuff?" Although I was up to her chin. I couldn't take it. I tipped her chair over so now she was on the floor. That made the beast even madder. "BITCH!" "BITCH!" I mimicked her and her high pitched voice. "UGH! How about you and me go some place else, cutie?" "Um, I-" "OK, LETS GO, MALL TIME. COME ON HANDSOME!" "NOT SO FAST BITCH!" I had the perfect angle to punch her in the chin. So I did. "OW! SHIT! YOU RUINED MY FACE YOUR GONNA GET IT NOW!" She ran at me like a Mexican bull. I was the guy with the red shinny cloth. She charged at me and I just stepped out of the way. Just when Joey was coming out with a huge cake. She landed right on it and then she was flat on the floor. It was so funny I couldn't help but laugh. "I guess there Is something good about being short! Hahaha!" "YOU RUINED MY $200 DOLLAR DRESS!" (If you were in my math class you would get this joke, if the dollar sign is in front of the number why don't we say 'dollar 200?') "As I was going to say until you interrupted me Stella, I would never do anything with you! Your such a insecure little bitch and you don't deserve anything you have!" "Well then Lillith, if you won't take this boy for yourself I'll just kiss him myself!" Stella said as she was brushing the cake of her and walked very sassy like over to Alex. But I wasn't about to let her take him. "No you don't!" I ran over to Alex and kissed him.

Alex's P.O.V

She ran up to me and kissed me right on the lips. She had to stand on her tippy toes to kiss me but it was cute. At first I was surprised but sooner or later I melted in to it. "Take that Stella, NOW GET OUT BITCH THIS IS MY STURF!" "UGH! FINE BUT THINK THIS IS OVER!" She sashed her way out pissed of with little pieces of cake on her, and a bloody lip. Then Joey hung up a sign that said that Stella wasn't allowed in the shop anymore. But then things were a bit awkward when we finishing up our cupcakes. BIZZ BIZZ! Kyles  phone went off. "Hey sis, um one of my freinds invited me to sleep over tonight. Can I go?" "What freind is it, and I'm sure you can as long it isn't Lu Lu. K." "It's Brady. Should I take the bus to school with him tomorrow?" "Yeah, tomorrow is Tuesday? Right?" "Yup." "Than sure. I'll drop you of now if you want. We always have a sleepover bag in my truck so we don't have to go home, it's the blue on k?" "Yup." "Ok then everyone ready to head out?" "I am." "I am.""k, let's head out. Thanks for everything Joey." "Anytime. See ya." We walked to her truck it seemed less awkward. But the ride was silent. When we got to Kyles friends he got out they good byes and love yous. The we on the road again, alone. "Let me explain my life, ever since I was 4 my parents have been fighting. I'm the only real adult model besides my mom to Kyle. My dad has a problem but he won't leave and my brother is worried. So I'm taking things into my own hands. I have a job, I drive Kyle places, and I try to get out of the house as early as possible, and get home as late as possible, or not even come home. I'm trying to save money to get me and Kyle an apartment in our town so he doesn't have to switch schools, if my mom doesn't do anything. But I have a feeling she will. Pfft . . . That's a mouthful." When I herd everything I was in shock how much she has to do on her own and a 12 year old. She's only 16 or 17. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea how difficult your life is if I can help in any way please tell me. My mom I'm sure wouldn't mind at all she would love to help." "Thanks, do you want to come with me, I have to drive a few kids to dance lessons, it gets lonely. I'd just have to ask my boss." "Sure, I'd love to spend more time with you." I love her.

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